The key accounting assumptions

Topic The key accounting assumptions Instructions Read pages 44-65. Consider the following as you read: What are the key accounting assumptions identified in this chapter? Answer preview Important information is presented in the chapter concerning core accounting assumptions recognized by Federal Accounting Standard Board. The four accounting assumptions include periodicity assumption, economic entity assumption, monetary unit … Read more

Company Analysis (Atlantic Power Corporation)

Topic Company Analysis (Atlantic Power Corporation) Instructions Choose one annual report of a major corporation that is traded on a national stock exchange (NYSE, NASDAQ). Summarize the results of the report in your paper. Items to discuss can include the financial state of the company, new prod­uct lines, major issues dealt with at the annual meetings … Read more

Introduction to Financial Statements

Topic Introduction to Financial Statements Instructions Please read Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making, Ch. 1: Introduction to Financial Statements. What are some key points? Answer preview Chapter 1 is largely concerned with overview of business formations and activities, activities involved in business, and matters related to the preparation and operations of financial statements in … Read more

Quality Customer Service

Topic Quality Customer Service Instructions Question 1 This question provides you with an opportunity to analyze the advantages of an organization that offers quality customer service. First, describe what it means to you to provide quality customer service for both internal customers and also external customers. Second, use your critical-thinking skills to explain how quality … Read more

The Low Motivation Levels

Topic The Low Motivation Levels Instructions This assignment provides you with an opportunity to explain the dynamics of teamwork, including motivation, conflict resolution, and leadership. First, read the scenario below. Scenario: The vice president (VP) of marketing has hired you as the leader whose first task involves implementing a new process for applying customer service … Read more

Cash Basis vs. Accrual Basis

Topic Cash Basis vs. Accrual Basis Instructions Please watch the “Cash Basis vs. Accrual Basis” video. What are some key points? Answer preview The video has done recommendable work of demonstrating the difference between accrual basis and cash basis. According to the video, accrual and cash basis are the two accounting techniques which business organizations … Read more

The Matching Principle

Topic The Matching Principle Instructions What is the theory behind the matching principle? Answer preview Matching principle is an underlying guideline in accounting implicating that all expenses have to be matched within the same accounting period as revenues used to earn them. A theoretical assertion in support of the matching principle indicates that an organization … Read more

US Trade Deficits and BOP

Topic US Trade Deficits and BOP Instructions Read pages 880-888 of Economics. Consider the following as you read: What are the causes and consequences of recent U.S. trade deficits? What is the balance sheet the United States uses to account for international payments made/paid and for international payments received? Answer preview In United States, trade deficit was $502 … Read more

Research Analysis for California Pizza Kitchen Inc

Topic Research Analysis for California Pizza Kitchen Inc Instructions This signature assignment is designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. The signature assignments might be graded with … Read more

International Trade

Topic International Trade Instructions Read pages 854-857 of Economics. Consider the following as you read: What is the validity of the most frequently presented arguments for protectionism? What are the economic effects of tariffs and quotas? Answer preview In economics, protectionism is defined as an economic policy that aims at preventing trade between nations. In most scenarios, trade … Read more