Financial Management Economics

Topic Financial Management Economics Instructions Read pages 778-780, 783-797 of Economics. Consider the following as you read: What is the time value of money and how can compound interest be used to calculate the present value of any future amount of money? How is the word “risk” used in financial economics and what is the difference between diversifiable … Read more

Work Performance

Topic Work Performance Instructions Question 1 This question involves writing career goals. First, write at least three five-year goals toward your career by using the guidelines within the SMART method. Remember, the SMART method involves making the goal specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and establish a time to achieve it. Second, identify the type of job, … Read more

International Trade

Topic International trade Instructions Read pages 839-854 and 857-865 of Economics. Consider the following as you read: What are the key facts about international trade? How do differences between world prices and domestic prices prompt exports and imports? Answer preview International trade involves exchange of capital, goods, and services across national borders. International trade remains a multi-trillion dollar … Read more

International and Public sector integration

Topic International and Public sector integration Instructions Read pages 643-646. Consider the following as you read and write a 200-word post: How do economists integrate the international sector (exports and imports) into the aggregate expenditures model? How do economists integrate the public sector (government expenditures and taxes) into the aggregate expenditures model? Answer preview Economics engage … Read more

Amazon Marketing Plan

Topic Amazon Marketing Plan Instructions This assignment has several purposes. It requires you to: 1. Research factual information to collect data 2. Apply marketing theories to the activities of a specific organization identified through the collected data; 3. Develop ideas; 4. Prepare a formal written report. Description: A marketing plan is an essential tool for … Read more

Wal-Mart Solvency

Topic  Wal-Mart Solvency Instructions  Explain in 1,050 words how the company you selected compares to the industry averages in terms of financial profitability, liquidity, and solvency, and why the difference is important. Also, review the financial statements over the last three years, and discuss any positive and negative trends would you report to the company’s … Read more

Walmart’s Industry Financial Statistics

Topic  Walmart’s Industry Financial Statistics Instructions  Assignment Steps  Resources: Plunket Research Online located in the Week 3 Electronic Reserve Readings; Microsoft® Excel® Access the Plunkett Research database in the University Library by following these steps: Click on the University Library link. Click “Company Directories and Financials” under Library Resources. Click “Plunkett Research Online” under Company Directory and Financials. Review the … Read more

Capital gains

Topic  Capital gains Instructions  Understand how capital gains and percentage returns are calculated. Explain the difference between average stock returns and risk-free returns. Explain how the Sharpe Ratio is used to manage risk. Describe the significance of US equity risk premiums as a method of comparison with other countries. Answer Preview  Capital gains are returned … Read more

The Alarming Issue of Child Labor in Some Companies in China

Topic  The Alarming Issue of Child Labor in Some Companies in China Instructions  This is an outline paper on The Alarming Issue of Child Labor in Some Companies in China Answer Preview  Issue of Concern Increased reports regarding companies in China taking advantage of legally underage in the labor sector has become an alarming issue … Read more