Eclectic (OLI) theory of FDI

Topic  Eclectic (OLI) theory of FDI Instructions  For this task, it is CRITICAL that you use the lecture notes. For each question below I have listed the relevant LECTURE – please read! I will check that the lecture notes have been used. 2. Must use THEORY – LOOK AT LECTURES. Answer Preview  In particular, Dunning’s … Read more

Identifying and Examining Theories of Leadership Associated with Corporate Entrepreneurship

Topic  Identifying and Examining Theories of Leadership Associated with Corporate Entrepreneurship Instructions  The individual coursework is a 2500 word (max) essay and assesses a student’s ability to identify and understand theories and relate them to different business contexts and situations. In addition, assesses a student’s ability to undertake research-reading, conceptualize, analyze and write incisively and … Read more

Efficient Capital Markets

Topic  Efficient Capital Markets Instructions  Assignment Steps  Resources: Microsoft® Word  Explain in 525 words what it means to have an efficient capital market, including: Describe the behavioral challenges in achieving efficiency. Discuss the three forms of market efficiency. What are the implications to corporate finance? Would you consider the real estate market an efficient capital market? Please … Read more

Corporate Finance

Topic  Corporate Finance Instructions  Prepare a 1,050-word memo advising the management of Hightower, Inc. on the financial impact, including the following:  What is the expected return on the company’s equity before the announcement of the debt issue? Construct the company’s market value balance sheet before the announcement of the debt issue. What is the price per … Read more

Direct Cost and Indirect Cost of Bankruptcy

Topic  Direct Cost and Indirect Cost of Bankruptcy Instructions  Distinguish between direct and indirect costs in corporate bankruptcy. Describe agency costs and their impact on bondholders. Explain the application and implications of the pecking-order theory Answer Preview  There is a distinct difference between the direct cost and indirect cost of bankruptcy. The direct cost of … Read more

Ethics for Managers

Topic  Ethics for Managers Instructions  Cover Page Ensure a cover page is attached to the front of your report, showing unit name, your name, date of submission, and your student ID number. Abstract (approx. 100 words; not included in word count) Type a short abstract that briefly describes the purpose of the project, and what … Read more

Analysis of Risks and Opportunities in Chinese Time-share Car Markets in 2017

Topic  Analysis of Risks and Opportunities in Chinese Time-share Car Markets in 2017 Instructions  Answer Preview    The timeshare cars culture has been growing across the world in the past few years, as consumers resort to renting and sharing cars, rather than owning their own cars. Perhaps nowhere is such a practice more popular than … Read more

Designing and Managing Services

Topic  Designing and Managing Services Instructions  What are the various categories (5) of the service mix? Answer Preview  Service is considered to be any performance or act which one party might offer to another which is critically intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. It is clear that ownership might or might … Read more

Initial Idea (Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC)

Topic  Initial Idea (Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC) Instructions  They have asked us to come up with an initial idea for the project. Once they are happy, they will proceed to writing the full project. For now, I just need: Which company to pick? Which target country? Is it developed or emerging? Very brief reason why this was … Read more