Mychal Denzel’s The invisible Man

Topic  Mychal Denzel’s The invisible Man Instructions  Answer Preview In addition to this, the lack of people was discouraged from joining some of the jobs such as being in the army. This means that blacks were given jobs that lowered their dignity simply because of their color. After thousands of African-Americans protested on Washington to … Read more

Gaming Company

Topic  Gaming Company Instructions  Write an essay paper on Gaming company Answer Preview  The business model provides a variety of game modes (10 game modes) where the customer can choose to play any of them. This passion to provide excellent customer entertainment gives us an edge over our competitors (Teng, 2017). From the 10 modes … Read more

Commencing a traditional costumes rental business

Topic  Commencing a traditional costumes rental business Instructions  Each member in the group to write an essay of 1000 words elaborating and justifying their choice of research design (qualitative or quantitative) (Individual component task- weighting- 10% of research proposal ) Answer Preview  The adopted design for this research is qualitative. The qualitative design is interpretive in … Read more


Topic  MANAGEMENT PSYCHOLOGY Instructions  This is a research paper and, as such, should follow academic standards of writing. The coursework should fulfill the following formal criteria: It should include Harvard style in-text references for all cited works, and a list of references at the end of the text, It should be spellchecked and grammar checked. … Read more

Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs

Topic  Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs Instructions  What are the various responses to a competitor’s price change? Answer Preview  A business organization considering a price change has to be concerned regarding the response of its competitors as well as its customers in the market. It is clear that rivals are most likely to respond when … Read more

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels

Topic  Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels Instructions  What are the various channels to market and how are they interrelated and how are they different? Answer Preview  Marketing channels are considered to be the ways that products and services are made available for utilization by consumers. It is clear that all products go through various … Read more

Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Logistics

Topic  Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Logistics Instructions  What are intermediaries and why are they important? Answer Preview  Market intermediaries are also termed as the distribution intermediaries or middlemen, and they are important components of the product dissemination channel. In essence, intermediaries are businesses or people who make it possible for the good or product to … Read more

The Best and Worst Super Bowl Commercials

Topic  The Best and Worst Super Bowl Commercials Instructions  Write the Best and Worst Super Bowl Commercials Answer Preview  I am taking this opportunity to inform you have about a commercial I see as one of the best and another I believe was the worst in the just-completed Super Bowl LII. Super Bowl commercials cost … Read more

The Acciona Energy Business Case

Topic  The Acciona Energy Business Case Instructions  The Innovation for Sustainability course is global in its scope, but highlights differences across geographical regions and recognizes the importance of historical context in ‘innovation and sustainability debates. Write a short, 100-word description of a business case study, event, or publication that you think has made a significant … Read more

Comfort Hotel

Topic  Comfort Hotel Instructions  What is your favorite brand and as an Investor how much of a return (i.e. percentage) would you want on your investment and time (i.e. years) are you willing to commit to? Answer Preview  Any investment undertaken should be viable enough to ensure that it gives back a feasible return within … Read more