What is the relationship between a firm’s customers and its business-level strategy

Topic  What is the relationship between a firm’s customers and its business-level strategy? Instructions  What is the relationship between a firm’s customers and its business-level strategy in terms of who, what, and how?  Why is this relationship important? Answer Preview  Business level strategies are the actions a firm takes to provide value to existing customers and gain … Read more

Evaluation of potential business level strategies for Coca Cola

Topic  Evaluation of potential business level strategies for Coca Cola Instructions  In this section, you will be evaluating various strategies and making recommendations for the organization. Write a 1,050-word minimum strategic evaluation in which you include the following: Evaluate potential business-level strategies for the organization. Assess potential corporate-level strategies for the organization. Assess potential global strategies … Read more

Economists are unfairly maligned

Topic  Economists are unfairly maligned Instructions  This is an event paper on Economists are unfairly maligned Answer Preview  Concept Description (3-5 sentences in your own words): Social science is the study of society and the manner in which people behave and influence the world around and beyond our immediate experience. Social science helps explain the … Read more

Shiseido Case Analysis

Topic  Shiseido Case Analysis Instructions Analysis of each discussion question In this section, you should (1) introduce the issues/questions the company is facing (one at a time), (2) provide the analysis of such question using relevant framework, theory and concept we discuss in this course, and (3) provide your answer/recommendation to the question. In your analysis, … Read more


Topic  Diversification Instructions What might encourage Diversification? What incentives and resources encourage diversification? Answer Preview  Diversification is simply defined as growing into new business areas related or unrelated to the existing form of business in a firm or organization. It is done strategically as entering a new market where one had not ventured before is … Read more

Consumer market segments (Antipodes Water targeting The Philippines)

Topic  Consumer market segments (Antipodes Water targeting The Philippines) Instructions  You are required to profile the planned market segmentation using the categories below: -geographic Geographic feature,climate, metro size ,population density, urban/rural areas (1. why antipodes water choose Philippines  2. what area of Philippines? why ?) -demographic category Age, gender, ethnicity, income, education, occupation, household type, … Read more

Company G (1-Year Marketing Plan): Marketing plan paper

Topic  Company G (1-Year Marketing Plan): Marketing plan paper Instructions  This is a marketing plan paper focusing on a span of 1 year on Company G. Answer Preview  Product Description and Support of the Mission Company G Mission Statement “We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing high-quality, innovative … Read more

Barbie café (Style of service)

Topic  Barbie café (Style of service) Instructions  In the group analysis paper write on Barbie Cafe (style of service) Answer Preview  The restaurant will utilize a fast-casual style of service in which the patrons will be ordering food at the counter and sitting to enjoy their meals. This style of service ensures that there is … Read more

A Report on Toyota Supply Chain Strategies

Topic  A Report on Toyota Supply Chain Strategies Instructions  This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes 2-4 and accounts for 50% of the overall module mark. Select any one of the following companies (Nestle/ Marks & Spencer/ Toyota/ Apple) and critically evaluate its supply chain practices on the following parameters: 1) Purchasing Strategy (33%) … Read more

African Young Entrepreneurs and the Challenges They Face

Topic  African Young Entrepreneurs and the Challenges They Face Instructions  Write a questionnaire on African Young Entrepreneurs and the Challenges They Face Answer Preview  If you did what do you think are the reasons? □Language barrier □Food □Transportation □Behavior of the locals □Others____________________________________________ How do you perceive business in these countries (Sofia, Budapest and Tbilisi) … Read more