Commercial & Corporate law for Accounts

Topic  Commercial & Corporate law for Accounts Instructions  What happens if a company employee who is also a shareholder and/or a director is negligent at work? Can a company be liable to its own shareholders under tort law? Explain with reference to relevant cases. (10 marks) B) Can a company be guilty of a crime? … Read more

SWOT for Amazon

Topic  SWOT for Amazon Instructions  Write a SWOT analysis for Amazon in PowerPoint Answer Preview Slide Count: 2    

Brand Audit for Fitbit Sports Watch Products

Topic  Brand Audit for Fitbit Sports Watch Products Instructions  So, our task is to prepare a brand audit for the brand (FitBit). We want it on 7 of Jul 2018. We need to write the report, presentation slides, and notes for all slides, which we will talk about during the presentation. So, when you finish … Read more

Shiseido Case Analysis

Topic  Shiseido Case Analysis Instructions  Analysis of each discussion question In this section, you should (1) introduce the issues/questions the company is facing (one at a time), (2) provide the analysis of such question using the relevant framework, theory, and concept we discuss in this course, and (3) provide your answer/recommendation to the question. In … Read more

Toyota of Australia

Topic  Toyota of Australia Instructions  Write an individual report paper Answer Preview To shift to passenger cars as an entry mode to the global market (America) in 12 months       Passenger cars are widely used hence they could be pivotal for Toyota’s entry into the US market. As customers wish for affordable and easy-to-maintain vehicles, … Read more

Ferrero Group

Topic Ferrero Group Instructions  The task for this time: 1. Summarise the Proposal below into 5 Powerpoint slides 2. Write the Literature Review for the main Report. 2000 words, 15 references. Answer Preview  The Function of Developing Market Governments’ in Global Expansion        Outward direct foreign investment crucially defines the kind of environment that is … Read more

Business Cycles, Unemployment, and Inflation

Topic Business Cycles, Unemployment, and Inflation Instructions Read pages 592-594 of Economics. Consider the following as you read: What are primary phases of the business cycle? How does inflation affect the economy’s level of real output? Answer preview The four main phases of business cycle include peak, expansion, contraction and trough. Notably, the expansion phase is defined as … Read more

Market Segmentation (Amazon Australia)

Topic Market segmentation (Amazon Australia) Instructions Using the four bases of segmentation, what market segmentation approaches do you think are most relevant for the chosen product, considering the type of product?Using what you know about the targeting strategy, what is the targeting strategy that the product uses? Clearly state what that strategy is? Is it the … Read more

Market Analysis for Online Retailing Industry in Australia

Topic Market Analysis for Online retailing industry in Australia Instructions EXTERNAL ANALYSIS -The Opportunities and Threats are developed from this External analysis. • Market Analysis Description: 3. The total market identified; size and growth trends from previous years.   • External Competitor Analysis – 4. Identify and describe up to 2 major competitors in terms … Read more

Managing Fixed and Variable Costs for Organization

Topic Managing Fixed and Variable Costs for Organization Instructions Organizations typically have either high fixed costs or low fixed costs, and it is important to understand how business decisions differ in organizations with high fixed costs from organizations with low fixed costs.  Choose two publicly-held organizations. One organization must have high fixed costs and low … Read more