Toyota International Strategy

Topic  Toyota International Strategy Instructions  The student will be undertaking the following piece of research: Choose either a firm from an emerging or developing country that has recently (i.e. within the last ten years) invested overseas or a firm that has recently invested in an emerging or developing country The firm (MNE) may be one … Read more

To what extent does the high-speed rail substitute the air transport

Topic  To what extent does the high-speed rail substitute the air transport Instructions  Client’ idea: Impacts comparison of HSR and air transport on domestic tourism in China 1.tourist selection (long-distance, short-distance) 2. Impact on the development of tourist destination Answer Preview  The Five-Stage theory developed by Cox et al. (1983) explains the decision-making process through … Read more

Critical Appraisal for Groupon Online Marketplace Services by Groupon Inc

Topic  Critical Appraisal for Groupon Online Marketplace Services by Groupon Inc Instructions  Assessment name: Innovation Case Study Description: You are required to write a real-world critical appraisal of an innovation undertaken by one of the industry or government organizations of your choice. In this assignment, you need to critically evaluate different dimensions and features of the … Read more

H&M- Brand Development and Marketing

Topic H&M- Brand Development and Marketing Instructions Write an essay analysis on Brand Development and Marketing. Use APA format. Answer preview The concept of brand personality is an effective marketing tool for the identification of brands according to their symbolic messages, specifically within the same product category where brands can share similar functional attributes (Lee & … Read more

International Business Environment

Topic International Business Environment Instructions Discuss why acquisitions are advantageous over Greenfield site investments as an entry mode for internationalising firms. How have national environments influenced the choice of mode of entry for internationalising firms? Please note that you are only allowed to use cases covered in the Morrison (2009) textbook and in the lectures/classes … Read more

RFID Contains Solution to Chinese Shipping Problems

Topic RFID Contains Solution to Chinese Shipping Problems Instructions Write a case study in one page using APA format. Answer preview According to the article written by Jill Gambon-published on November 06, 2006, the China International Marine Containers (CIMC) lately initiated a pilot RFID program to monitor the movement of its containers from the plant … Read more

Foreign Direct Investment Influence on Economic Growth

Topic Does Foreign Direct Investment Influence Economic Growth In Rapidly Growing Economies? An Examination of China and UK Instructions Write a 10-page essay on the topic using Harvard format. Answer preview Foreign Direct investment (FDI) refers to the type of business investment by an individual from a different country for which the foreign investor has … Read more

Personal Learning and Leadership Quotient

Topic Personal Learning and Leadership Quotient Instructions Consider the following as you write a 200-word post: What did you learn from the research on leadership? What is your Leadership Quotient (LQ)? Do you agree with your LQ?  Why/why not? Answer preview My previous experience has always been considering leadership as only applied to being faithful, … Read more

Leadership Qualities

Topic Leadership Qualities Instructions Consider the following as you write a 200-word post: How do you evaluate yourself as a leader? How do you think others evaluate you as a leader? What approaches could you use to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of others? Answer preview I consider myself a leader based on several things. … Read more