Implementation of the CRM system for Apple Inc

Topic  Implementation of the CRM system for Apple Inc Instructions  Write an Essay paper on the implementation of the CRM system for Apple Inc. Answer Preview  Apple products have performed well in the American and European markets. Nonetheless, the company is likely to face challenges in accessing and expanding the new target market of China … Read more

Corporate Governance Practices

Topic Impact of Corporate Governance Practices on The Financial Performance of Financial Institutions in Kenya. Instructions Write a 4-page research proposal on the Impact of Corporate Governance Practices on the Financial Performance of Financial Institutions in Kenya. Answer preview This study investigates the impacts of corporate governance on financial performance of Kenyan financial institutions.  Corporate … Read more

Organizational Behavior and Design

Topic Organizational Behavior and Design Instructions Write an essay on Organizational Behavior and Design. Answer preview Getting people to function effectively is one of the vital functions of leaders. An organization’s success is driven by the way people in it are engaged. Leaders have a responsibility of ensuring that the mission, vision, objectives, and goals … Read more

Global Marketing (BOOTS UK)

Topic Global Marketing (BOOTS UK) Instructions The Scenario: You are the manager of BOOTS UK (a UK-headquartered company; The company seeks growth opportunities and considers expanding further into the global marketplace. A first screening of international markets led to a short list of potential target country markets –you have been assigned an emerging economy … Read more

What Motivates Employees

Topic What Motivates Employees (A Quantitative Study of Chinese and UK Cultures) Instructions Write a Dissertation Research Proposal on this title: What motivates employees? A quantitative study of Chinese and UK cultures in the workplace of SMEs. Structure: Title page – with Dissertation Title Table of contents Introduction: Brief introduction of the research topic and … Read more

Marketing Ethics in Practice

Topic Marketing ethics in practice (A case of Epson’s Planned Obsolescence) Instructions Essay title: Critical evaluation of marketing ethics in practice: [your selected case] Your task is to find a current debate in the news or social media that involves one or several marketing ethics issues and dimensions. For instance, you might examine problems with … Read more

Trends in the Global Environment

Topic Trends in the global environment that impact the choice of international strategies Instructions What are some trends in the global environment that might impact the choice of international strategies, particularly international corporate-level strategies? Answer preview The global environment is very diverse because there is demand for different commodities in various parts of the globe. … Read more

Parking Lot at Kansas State University

Topic Parking Lot at Kansas State University Instructions Write a proposal using the following guideline: Proposal Self-Evaluation Checklist Cover Page & Introduction I have an informative title and have specified the audience I have motivated my audience to read the proposal and enact the solution I have provided the background to the problem: the overall … Read more

Volkswagen’s Marketing Communication

Topic Volkswagen’s Marketing Communication following the Emission Scandal Instructions According to Pradnya Joshi and Danny Hakim, writing for The New York Times on February 26 2016: “For years, Volkswagen successfully communicated an image of itself to the world: Our cars are green and our engineers are the best. In September that fell apart when the … Read more

Liberty and Autonomy in E-commerce

Topic Liberty and Autonomy in E-commerce Instructions The boundary-less-ness of virtual business organizations in terms of geographical space has promised online shoppers an individual autonomy, a sense of liberty and a form of convenience. However, with the emergence of virtual spaces, various concerns have been raised in regard to consumer privacy, consumer rights and confidentiality … Read more