Ethical Considerations for Conveying Medical Info and COVID-19 Vaccine Trials

Topic Ethical Considerations for Conveying Medical Info and COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Instructions Write a discussion paper discussing the ethical considerations for conveying medical info and COVID-19 vaccine trials. Answer Preview Transparency is one of the most fundamental principles of ethical practices. To endorse transparency the relevant stakeholders should avail information to the general public. The … Read more

Critique of Psychometric Properties

Topic Critique of Psychometric Properties Instructions Write a Critique of Psychometric Properties Answer preview This study was an evaluation of the psychometric properties of the symptom status questionnaire- heart failure in patients with heart failure. The authors including Seongkum Heo et al believed that there is yet to be a reliable and physical symptom instrument … Read more


Topic THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION – WHAT ITS POLICY CHANGES MEAN TO HEALTH Instructions Based on Galea, S. (2017).Discuss one article of your choosing.Be prepared to present your chosen article in a discussion on the current administration’s policy impacts on health. 1 APA-6 page Answer preview The progressive benefits of the health care act, popularly known … Read more

Cultural Competency and Healthy Disparities in EBP Initiatives

Topic Cultural Competency and Healthy Disparities in EBP Initiatives Instructions In 2 pages, discuss the Cultural Competency and Healthy Disparities in EBP Initiatives. Answer preview Patient preferences, values, and beliefs were highly considered in the included evidence that resulted in these practice recommendations.  Before making the recommendations we met the college students via zoom. Among … Read more

‘Breeding Influenza – The Political Virology of Offshore Farming’ and Paul Farmer’s Diary

Topic ‘Breeding Influenza – The Political Virology of Offshore Farming’ and Paul Farmer’s Diary Instructions Discuss about ‘Breeding Influenza – The Political Virology of Offshore Farming’ and Paul Farmer’s Diary. Answer preview Farmer and Wallace seek to address the prevalence and causes of viral epidemiology. Viral diseases continue to be a concern for the healthcare … Read more

Health Policy Testimony (COVID-19)

Topic Health Policy Testimony (COVID-19) Instructions In 6 pages, write a Health Policy Testimony on COVID-19. Answer preview I am a certified nurse practitioner with 14 years’ experience working with communities on promoting health and disease prevention. I   have been trained to understand the social factors that expose the community to the risk spread of … Read more

Obesity Issues – More Commitment Is Needed to Win the Battle

Topic Obesity Issues – More Commitment Is Needed to Win the Battle Instructions Write a reflection paper on obesity issues. Answer preview As a nursing practitioner, it still bothers me that obesity and overweight are health issues of great concerns in public health despite many measures to help empower people to choose nutrition and healthy … Read more


Topic Not yet fully safe: A COVID-19 situation Perspective Instructions Write a speech on PowerPoint about the COVID-19 situation perspective. Answer preview As of march 6, 2021 average weekly cases across America are 60,464 and 1,735 deaths(CDC, 2021).74.1% of new infections are for ages between 18- 64 years yet 95.5% of total deaths are for … Read more

Why Everyone Should Become a Regular Blood Donor

Topic Why Everyone Should Become a Regular Blood Donor Instructions Discuss why everyone should become a regular blood donor. Answer preview In the United States, up to three lives are saved by one pint of donated blood. If twenty people would donate a pint each, this would translate to twenty lives saved. Blood donation is … Read more

The Aging Process in Mexico

Topic The Aging Process in Mexico Instructions Discuss the aging process in Mexico. Answer preview According to Aguila, Lopez-Ortega, and Robleda (2018) the percentage of older adults in Mexico, aged 60 and above is on the rise to 21.5% in 2050 from about 9.3% in 2018. Other current trends expected of the aging population are … Read more