Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Topic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Instructions Discuss the present-day theories and empirical research on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Answer preview In its definition, PTSD as known today relates to trauma and stress-related disorder that often develop following a traumatic ordeal which may result in physical or mental harm, or even life threatening. Among the events … Read more

Project Organization Chart Template for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project

Topic Project Organization Chart Template for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project Instructions Some of the people working on the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project have questions about their roles and responsibilities in the upcoming testing portion of the project. Use the personnel and other information provided in the “Running Case” on pages 220, 265, & … Read more

Staffing Plan for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project

Topic Staffing Plan for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project Instructions Some of the people working on the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project have questions about their roles and responsibilities in the upcoming testing portion of the project. Use the personnel and other information provided in the “Running Case” on page 400 of the textbook to … Read more

Quality Assurance Plan Template for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project

Topic Quality Assurance Plan Template for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project Instructions Answer preview Quality refers to exceeding the expectations of the consumer, met through deliverables. Project quality plan on the other hand refers to a set of planned activities at the start of a project that are aimed at assisting in attaining quality in … Read more

Wellness Intranet Project Pareto Chart

Topic Wellness Intranet Project Pareto Chart Instructions Answer preview Eight programs have been identified to be adopted in measuring the user interaction with intranet wellness website. The programs include walking, volleyball, weight reduction, stop smoking classes, soccer, table and softball. The number of times the users interact with these programs are counted and listed over … Read more

Obesity Induced Hypercholesterolemia

Topic Obesity Induced Hypercholesterolemia Instructions Write a 4-page research paper on the topic given. Answer preview A study by Veghari et al. (2013) demonstrated the relationship between obesity and hypercholesterolemia among children. Through a cross-sectional examination, the researcher assessed 1995 subjects to determine how serum cholesterol level associates with body mass index. The study results … Read more

Public Health

Topic Public Health Instructions What does the term emerging infectious diseases refer to? List 3 ways in which globalization influence public health Why do children tend to be more susceptible to environmental toxins? List four factors that are responsible for emerging infectious disease? List the most common sources of childhood exposure to pesticides and discuss … Read more

Effectiveness of a school-based physical activity intervention on obesity in school children

Topic Effectiveness of a school-based physical activity intervention on obesity in school children Instructions Answer preview A quantitative study entitled “Effectiveness of a school-based physical activity intervention on obesity in school children: a nonrandomized controlled trial” by Li et al. (2014) sought to examine the role that school-based physical exercises played in managing body weight … Read more

Healthcare Cost-Effectiveness and Nurse Practitioners Utilization Policy Analysis

Topic Healthcare Cost-Effectiveness and Nurse Practitioners Utilization Policy Analysis Instructions In 10 pages, write a policy paper on the topic using APA format. Answer preview The underpinning idea behind the provision of healthcare is to ensure that the target consumers of the healthcare services live healthy, quality lives that are devoid of treatable, curable and … Read more

Teaching-Learning Plan for Chronic Prostatitis

Topic Teaching-Learning Plan for Chronic Prostatitis Instructions Create a PowerPoint presentation on chronic prostatitis. Answer preview Prostate gland is the most commonly diseased internal organ of the human body and prostatitis is the most common prostate disease. Chronic prostatitis has a high negative impact on the quality of life and it is highly prevalent in … Read more