Sustained Breastfeeding (Increasing the rate of breastfeeding)

Topic Sustained Breastfeeding (Increasing the rate of breastfeeding) Instructions  You are to develop a Social Change Strategy for your chosen initiative outlined and scoped in Assessment 1. In developing your strategy you will leverage knowledge harnessed from the Scoping The report, as well as additional insight you need to gather to refine your Strategy. Remember … Read more

Increasing breastfeeding rates for young mothers aged between 20 and 30 years

Topic  Increasing breastfeeding rates for young mothers aged between 20 and 30 years Instructions  The objective of the Assessment 1 Scoping Report is to develop a rounded understanding of the social issue and of how the target audience perceives the social issue. That is, to harness a good understanding as to why they are ‘doing’ … Read more

Aboriginal’s use of Snake vine as medicine

Topic Aboriginal’s use of Snake vine as medicine Instructions  Identify one traditional medicine used by Australian Aboriginal people prior to European colonization. Discuss how it was used and why it was indicated. Answer Preview  The Snake vine is a plant that has vigorous climbing characteristics, in that it can grow up to five meters long. … Read more

Congo Healthcare and The Ebola Virus scare

Topic  Congo Healthcare and The Ebola Virus scare Instructions  Write a short essay on Congo Healthcare and The Ebola scare Answer Preview  Fruit bats and apes are the main reservoir species of the virus, which is information that the health authorities have emphasized for the people to stay away from or avoid any contact of … Read more

Social health determinants affecting the Aboriginal community

Topic  Social health determinants affecting the Aboriginal community Instructions  This serves as your Week 3 tutorial. In this week’s tutorial, we aim to develop an understanding of Social Health Determinants. As you will note there are a number of definitions and opinions that vary in relation to which are more significant. For example, some may … Read more

Diabetes Mellitus

Topic Diabetes Mellitus Instructions  Submit your disease topic from chapters 11-20 here. Check back to see that it has been approved. This assignment is worth 0 points. If a 0 appears in your My Grades I have checked your submission. You should then check to see that it has been approved. If a topic is … Read more

The current mental health issues that the Inuit people suffer

Topic  The current mental health issues that the Inuit people suffer Instructions  Write a short paper on The current mental health issues that the Inuit people suffer Answer Preview  The current mental health issues that the Inuit people suffer are mental health issues that have elevated over the past years. The reason for such elevation … Read more

Child Development

Topic Child Development Instructions Identify the transitions between the activities in your program. Identify at least three (3) strategies used by your on-site supervisor to support transitions between activities in your program. Discuss the effectiveness of the strategies used. Review the articles posted in this week’s folder. Identify one strategy for a routine or transition … Read more


Topic PICOT QUESTION Instructions Purpose: To identify a problem or concern that nursing can change and develop a PICOT question to guide the change project. Directions: Use the form below to complete the Week 3 Assignment PICOT Evidence Worksheet. This includes filling in the table with information about your research question and your PICOT elements … Read more

Impact of Recurring Conflict on Patient Care

Topic A Recurring Conflict with the Potential to Negatively Impact Patient Care Instructions The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to identify and effectively manage conflicts that arise in care delivery settings resulting in better management of patient care, including appropriate delegation.   You will gain insight into conflict management strategies and develop a … Read more