Gene Therapy Restores Eyesight

Topic Gene Therapy Restores Eyesight Instructions Find and include a minimum of one current event clipped from the popular media (newspapers, magazines, etc.) for each of the discussion topics listed on the syllabus. Popular media does not include scientific journals and periodicals. Write a one or two page paper about the significance of the event … Read more

The quality of care provided by nurse practitioners

Topic The quality of care and effectiveness provided by nurse practitioners Instructions The reaction papers have two key purposes: 1. to improve your ability to analyze the assumptions and evidence on advance practice nursing 2. to enhance your final research papers by improving your writing skills now For each paper, select one distributed article and … Read more

How Ethics Differ in Research and Therapeutic Practice

Topic How Ethics Differ in Research and Therapeutic Practice Instructions How Ethics Differ in Research and Therapeutic Practice (200 words + references) Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct in its entirety, paying special attention to standards 8 and 10 that cover ethics in research and … Read more

Protecting Patients’ Data using Smartphone Application

Topic Protecting Patients’ Data using Smartphone Application Instructions First Iteration: Planning and Formulation of Research Execution Framework Answer preview This phase involves the devising of a framework of executing the research on how to use mobile application to protect patients’ data through logical authentication, authorization and encryption of healthcare network systems. Therefore, the researcher starts … Read more

Construction Defects

Topic Construction Defects Instructions Write a 4-page research summary paper using APA style. Answer preview There are possibilities that construction defects results from deficiencies on how the designing, building, operation and maintenance is done. With some defects result in damages that can be easily identified such as water pipe bursts, there are other defects that … Read more

Psychoactive Drugs

Topic Psychoactive Drugs Instructions Treatment Overview Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required chapters from the text and review the required articles for this week. Over the course of the past weeks, we have considered the use of medications in the treatment of various psychological disorders. This discussion will provide you with … Read more

Alzheimer’s Disease

Topic Alzheimer’s Disease Instructions The assignment is a 10-page critical review of the drug treatment for a psychiatric disorder (broadly defined to include psychological and neurological disorders as well). The review will use peer-reviewed sources to evaluate the current drug treatment modalities for the selected disorder and determine the adequacy of those treatments. The paper … Read more

Protecting Critical Patients’ Data

Topic Protecting Critical Patients’ Data Instructions Cite references in APA format Construct a research manuscript (document) in APA format Answer preview The first iteration on securing critical patient’s data using coherent authorization, encryption and authentication of patients’ data repository systems, proved to be a complex undertaking following the sophisticated medical computing systems. Although the preliminary … Read more

Consumer Buying Intention in Green Marketing

Topic Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Intention in Changing Green Marketing Environment in Pakistan Instructions Add an introduction chapter with the following details Value of research area and how different factors influence the buying intention. Existing research and try to highlight some gaps Why these factors were selection (Justification with some latest references) Problem Statement Research … Read more

Iron (Two Most Important Functions)

Topic Iron(Two Most Important Functions and its use in Digestive System) Instructions You are required to have 2 peer-reviewed references for the topic you have chosen. Minimum of 500 words, NO more than 750 words or approximately 3 paragraphs (expected range of 500 to 750 words) plus your references for your answer please. Chose one of … Read more