Extinction Project: Ticeratops horridus

Topic Extinction Project: Triceratops horridus Instructions  An extinction project on Ticeratops horridus Answer Preview  The animal’s most distinctive feature was its large skull estimated to have been 2.5 meters in length and was almost a third of the animal’s total body length. It had a horn on its snout and a horn above each eye. … Read more

Extinction Project: Dinornis novaezealandiae

Topic  Extinction Project: Dinornis novaezealandiae Instructions  Write an extinction project on Dinornis novaezealandiae Answer Preview  The giant moa (Dinornis) is an extinct genus of birds belonging to the moa family. It was endemic to New Zealand. Dinornis was the tallest bird that ever lived, with the females of the largest species standing 3.6 m (12 … Read more

Extinction Project: Aepyornis maximus

Topic  Extinction Project: Aepyornis Maximus Instructions  Write an extinction project on Aepyornis Maximus Answer Preview  38.    Had it survived instead of becoming extinct, it could have… It would have adversely affected the vegetation in the area as was a large fruiting eater translating to the removal of the smaller herbivores from the system by predators’ … Read more

Qualitative Design Recommendation

Topic  Qualitative Design Recommendation Instructions  Locate a peer-reviewed qualitative research study in the Ashford University Library on the topic you chose in Week One for your Final Research Proposal. You may choose to use a qualitative study that was included in the literature review you used in the Week One assignment by searching the reference … Read more

Protecting Patients’ Data using Smartphone Application

Topic  Protecting Patients’ Data using Smartphone Application Instructions  The final paper should include at a minimum: Title page Table of contents List of figures/tables Introduction, methodology Literature review, proposal Four iterations of research Summary of learning References Answer Preview  The last meeting with the consultant sought to formulate a framework for need assessment. The need … Read more

Food Review: Parsnip

Topic Food Review: Parsnip Instructions Your Food Project should be a combination of a pictures and a written commentary about your whole food. Pictures within your PowerPoint or Word Document: Please include at least 1 (required) and up to 5 pictures for each of the 5 points you will discuss in your topic; refer to the directions listed below. … Read more

Risks, Benefits, and Diagnosis

Topic Risks, Benefits, and Diagnosis Instructions The risk-benefit calculation for any drug assumes a correct diagnosis of the disorder. Many investigators and clinicians feel the current epidemic of child psychiatric disorders is largely due to inappropriate diagnosis. Evaluate the risk and benefits of using psychoactive drugs in children correctly diagnosed with a disorder versus those … Read more

Pharmacology of Amphetamine

Topic Pharmacology of Amphetamine Instructions Select a psychoactive drug that is of pharmacological interest to you, but not one you will review as part of your Critical Review or one that was included in your previous Rapid Reviews. For this paper, you may choose drugs of abuse; however, the paper must focus on the pharmacology … Read more

Community Health Nursing

Topic  Community Health Nursing Instructions  Use of Personal Communication Devices in Patient Care Settings How can the use of the nurse’s personal communication device(s) impact patient care positively and/or negatively? What are the ethical and legal implications? What does the professional literature say about how communication devices can support safe nursing practice? Answer Preview  The … Read more

Philadelphia Building Project Part. I (Fisher Fine Arts Library)

Topic  Philadelphia Building Project Part. I (Fisher Fine Arts Library) Instructions  Answer Preview  The plan of the library is exceptionally innovative. To access the five stories of the building, visitors have to use the magnificently constructed staircases that have been separated from the stacks, as well as the reading rooms. Among the highlights of the … Read more