24-Hour Diet Recall for an Adult Client

Topic 24-Hour Diet Recall for an Adult Client Instructions Write a 24-hour dietary report for an adult client. https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/trends.htmlhttps://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/recommen.htm http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/HealthyLiving/HealthyEating/HealthyDietGoals/Healthy-Diet-Goals_UCM_310436_SubHomePage.jsp http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm Answer preview The 24-hour diet recall is a diet assessment tool, which can be sued to understand whether or not a client is following recommended dietary balances. It can be used to support decisions … Read more

Research Preparation

Topic Research Preparation Instructions Write 2 pages in APA format Answer preview The process of completing a research study begin with the preparation process of the research, which is not a simple task as many might assume it to be. Much of the work which is involved in the research process is performed in the … Read more

Physical Activity and Diet Brochure

Topic Physical Activity and Diet Brochure Instructions Make a brochure (2 pages) Choose a sample of patient education material from an NIH Institute website or instructor approved online source. Material must be related to one of the Topics & Objectives Index listed at http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/default.aspx www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/physical-activity Answer preview Activity and Diet Eating a healthy diet and … Read more

Pharmacology of Cannabis

Topic Pharmacology of Cannabis Instructions Select a psychoactive drug that is of pharmacological interest to you, but not one you will review as part of your Critical Review. For this paper, you may choose drugs of abuse; however, the paper must focus on the pharmacology of the drug and not on the social or addictive … Read more

Psychoactive Drug Usage

Topic Psychoactive Drug Usage Instructions Write an essay on the issues behind addictive drug use. Humans have engaged in psychoactive drug use, sometimes in formal (ceremonial) settings and sometimes recreationally, since before recorded history. It has only been in the last century or so that abuse and addiction have become large-scale problems. Using the literature … Read more

A Medical Home Model

Topic A Medical Home Model Instructions Write a 4-page reaction paper to the article: “A nursing historical perspective on the medical home: Impact on health care policy.” The reaction papers have two key purposes: 1. to improve your ability to analyze the assumptions and evidence on advance practice nursing 2. to enhance your final research … Read more

Philadelphia Building Project Part. I (Fisher Fine Arts Library)

Topic  Philadelphia Building Project Part. I (Fisher Fine Arts Library) Instructions  Answer Preview  The fireproof stacks are three-story, and they are based in the iron wing. Glass block floors, as well as glass roofs, have been used impressively to ensure that even the lower levels receive light. The initial design of this library was carefully … Read more

Community Health Nursing

Topic Community Health Nursing Instructions The Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act is a controversial topic, and they’re probably are many different viewpoints represented in our class. For this discussion, let’s start by a focus on understanding the basics of the Healthcare Marketplace so that we can provide accurate information to our patients and … Read more

Hepatitis C: Co-morbid Illnesses and the Impact on the Quality of Life

Topic  Hepatitis C: Co-morbid Illnesses and the Impact on the Quality of Life Instructions  1. The impact of chronic hepatitis C and co-morbid illnesses on health-related quality of life- Jeffrey W.Kwan, Ruth C.Cronkite, Anthony Yiu, Mary K Goldstein, Lewis, Kazis, Ramsey  C. Cheung 2. Antiviral therapy in Elderly Patients with Hepatic C virus infection-Justin Rheem, … Read more

The Diet Induced Obesity in School Age Children: 6-12 Years of Age

Topic  The Diet-Induced Obesity in School-Age Children: 6-12 Years of Age Instructions  Abstract (10 points) A brief synopsis of the proposed research stating concisely the study objectives and methods to be used.  Approximate length 200-300 words.  To be placed on the first page directly behind the cover page. The Research Objective  (30 points) Introduction–Statement of … Read more