Luxury Methodology Questionnaire

Topic Analysis: Luxury methodology Questionnaire Instructions Literature review already written for a dissertation (see below). The title was previously “Luxury Fashion Consumption in China: Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intent“. The title has been changed slightly to “Luxury Fashion Consumption: Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intent of Chinese International Students in the UK“.   Task: … Read more

Medicaid, Children’s Insurance Program, The Affordable Care Act (Obama-care)

Topic  Medicaid, Children’s Insurance Program, The Affordable Care Act (Obama-care) Instructions  Assignment Steps  Resources: Tutorial help on Excel® and Word functions can be found on the Microsoft® Office website. There are also additional tutorials via the web offering support for Office products.  Using the University Library, EBSCOhost, or ProQuest databases, locate up to three different articles/publications and/or use … Read more

Luxury Methodology Dissertion

Topic Luxury Methodology Dissertion- Luxury Fashion Consumption: Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intent of Chinese International Students in the UK Instructions Background: Literature review already written for a dissertation (see below). The title was previously “Luxury Fashion Consumption in China: Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intent“. The title has been changed slightly to “Luxury Fashion … Read more

Critic of Articles that focus on Febrile Illness with Skin Alterations

Topic  A critic of Articles that focus on Febrile Illness with Skin Alterations Instructions  Write a critic of Articles that focus on Febrile Illness with Skin Alterations Answer Preview  The author further notes that, due to a weakened immune system, pediatric patients who contract measles are more likely to develop encephalitis, hepatitis, thrombocytopenia, and nervous … Read more

Kava: A Herb for Anxiety

Topic Kava: A Herb for Anxiety Instructions Look up one herbal remedy that you have heard about but don’t know very much about on the NCCAM website. Bring website address and description of how to get to the information. Write a three paragraph description of why you were interested in this particular herb, what … Read more

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Topic Discussion: Sexually Transmitted Diseases Instructions Review the PDF exerpt from Sex in America and the CDC STD fact sheet page.  Discuss:  Were there any sexual transmitted infections described in this excerpt that you had never heard of?  How will you treat this infection? Does increasing your awareness of these infections influence your ability to … Read more

Special Healthcare Needs for LGBT

Topic Discussion: Special Healthcare Needs for LGBT Instructions Study content at and, write two pages in APA 6th edition to discuss special health care needs of the LGBT population. Answer Preview The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people form a very diverse community worldwide. The group encompasses people from different ethnicities, socioeconomic … Read more

Alzheimer’s Disease

Topic Discussion: Alzheimer’s Disease Instructions Elaborate on the Topic for Your Critical Review This assignment will be a continuation of the written assignment from Week One. Research a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles in addition to information from your text on the disorder you chose in Week One. Consider the key classes of drugs used … Read more

Pharmacological and Physiological Antagonism

Topic Discussion: Pharmacological and Physiological Antagonism Instructions Pharmacological and Physiological Antagonism Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required chapters from the text and review the required articles for this week. Alcohol and caffeine have nearly opposite effects on behavior and the nervous system, yet these substances are not used to treat overdose … Read more

Alcohol Addiction: Response to Jessica Nawrocki

Topic Alcohol Addiction: Response to Jessica Nawrocki Instructions Write a response to Jessica’s post. Jessica Nawrocki  When a person uses an addictive substance, it causes different effects on different neurons and receptor sites in the brain. Depending on the substance it can cause different neurotransmitters to be inhibited or be in an excited state and … Read more