Alcohol Addiction: Response to Adrienne Brown

Topic Alcohol Addiction: Response to Adrienne Brown Instructions Write a response to Adrianne’s post. Adrienne Brown  After reading this weeks resources, I have to say that you should not use caffeine to treat alcohol addiction. In order to explain why it would be a bad idea, allow me to start with alcohol and how it … Read more

A Visit to the Natural History Museum Los Angeles

Topic Museum analysis: A Visit to the Natural History Museum Los Angeles Instructions Pick any 5 photos and do one museum write up – 5 pages max on Natural History Museum Los Angeles. Write in APA format. Museum Analysis Visit any one of the following museums and prepare a five pages, double-spaced typewritten analysis: How … Read more

Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness

Topic Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness Instructions Preparing for disasters, terrorist threats, or communicable disease outbreaks is an important part of public health nursing. Visit the websites and Review the steps for being prepared for a disaster or pandemic. Choose a natural or man-made disaster that could impact your community and discuss how … Read more

Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness

Topic Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness(Response to Student Post 1) Instructions Write a response to student post 1 Post 1 preview: 1. The North East region is susceptible to a variety of weather-related emergencies. Hurricanes, flooding, tornadoes and severe winter storms occur here periodically. Even routine weather events can disrupt power and other utilities for … Read more

Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness

Topic Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness Instructions Give a response to Student Post 2 Post 2 preview: My community is near the ocean and there is potential for a hurricane disaster.  The last hurricane in my area was Hurricane Bob in 1991.  Community Health Nurse can help the community prepare and respond to a hurricane.  … Read more

RFID Standards in US Pharmaceutical Industry

Topic RFID Standards in United States Pharmaceutical Industry Instructions Submit a 4 page research paper on the RFID standards which apply to your selected industry.  If there are no specific standards that you think apply to your selected industry then research how an existing RFID standard could be modified to support your selected industry. Strictly … Read more

Patient Education Material

Topic Patient Education Material Instructions Write a discussion 2.5 pages in APA 6th edition. Go to Online Patient 101: How to find reliable health information website at: Find one example of patient education material that relates to one of the Topics & Objectives Index in Healthy People 2020 (The … Read more

Delivery of Health Education to Patients

Topic Differences in the Delivery of Health Education to Patients with Chronic Disease Instructions Write a 2-page essay discussion in APA format (6th edition) and in American English. Please make 5 paragraphs with 5-6 full sentences each of them. Make sure you or part of your team familiar with medical and educational issues. … Read more

Long Term Effects of Trans Fat Ingestion

Topic Long Term Effects of Trans Fat Ingestion Instructions In an essay format, Please respond to ONE of the topics. You are required to have 2 peer-reviewed references for the topic you have chosen. Minimum of 500 words, NO more than 750 words or approximately 3 paragraphs (expected range of 500 to 750 words) plus … Read more

Utilisation and Practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Topic Utilisation and practice of traditional Chinese medicine Instructions Write a 10,000 word literature review on the utilisation and practice of traditional Chinese medicine. References must be cited to APA 6th standard and the text must be Times New Roman font, size 11 for the text and other size for the other headers. The literature … Read more