Cannabis 101

Topic  Cannabis 101 Instructions  Write a 1500 word essay addressing each of the following points. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Explain how cannabis works in the body by including information regarding the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome. Describe four different delivery routes patients may use cannabis, … Read more

Culture Care for Patient Suffering Long-term Illness at Old Age

Topic  Culture Care for Patient Suffering Long-term Illness at Old Age Instructions  Write an analysis paper on the Culture care for patient suffering long-term illness at old age. Answer Preview  The view of Indian invalids and treatment Many Indian communities determine that illnesses can be cured through constant prayer and having confidence in their gods … Read more

Managing Engineering Projects

Topic  Managing Engineering Projects Instructions  Assessment aim: The aim of this minor assessment task is to enable you to reflect on 3 parts of this course; and, in particular: Part 1: Your own learning and growth in the Project Management realm, Part 2: Your thoughts on specific components from the week 10 lecture. Part 3: … Read more

Motor Pathways

Topic Motor Pathways Instructions For each area of the central nervous system below, briefly summarize the contribution to motor function. Write at least 100 words for each area: Spinal Cord Basal Ganglia Cerebellum What happens behaviorally when there is damage to these areas? Answer preview The spinal cord is a skeletal elongated tube made of … Read more

A Study of Obesity

Topic A Study of Obesity Instructions Discuss about the causes and implications of obesity. Answer preview The causes of obesity might be hormonal, genetic or behavioral. When people consume excessive calories than their bodies can burn through normal daily activities and exercise, the result is often obesity. The excess calories are stored by the body … Read more

Action Potential (A neuroscience study)

Topic Action Potential (A neuroscience study) Instructions After reading about and watching the video (or any other videos you find) regarding the action potential, describe in your own words what takes place. Include ions that move in and out of the cell, as well as the changes in the cell membrane potential. Use at least 100 words in this … Read more

Skin Cancer

Topic Skin Cancer Instructions The presentation should include: a description of the disease including which system it effects the physiology of how it effects the system. It should include symptoms of the disease, treatments for the disease and the prognosis for recovery and how the disease is diagnosed. Include: any statistics on who can get … Read more

Health Promotion for Indigenous Australians

Topic Health Promotion for Indigenous Australians Instructions Identify and discuss a health promotion designed to improve health outcomes for Indigenous Australians. Use the 5 sources$File/health-plan.pdf watch: Answer preview In 1996, the National Health and Medical Research Councilâs Health Advancement Standing Committee implicated that there it was important for Australia government … Read more

Breast Cancer

Topic Synthesis Paper on Breast Cancer Instructions Write a Synthesis Paper on Breast Cancer Answer preview Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women across the world. 1 in every 10 women is diagnosed with cancer, making a major cause of women mortality worldwide. This paper provides a synthesis of the diseases … Read more