Topic Can musicians contribute to social or political change? Instructions Can musicians contribute to social or political change? Explore this question with closereference to a particular case study. Answer preview Political and social changes do not happen in a vacuum. Although government officials contribute significantly to the attainment of changes, other stakeholders such as musicians … Read more

The Exploration of how Digital Shift Impacts the Creative and Cultural Industries

Topic The Exploration of how Digital Shift Impacts the Creative and Cultural Industries Instructions What is the most important issue facing cultural and creative industries today? Why? Answer preview Undoubtedly, digitalization is becoming a buzzword in all aspects of life and it has affected the way cultural products are distributed and consumed. Most significantly, digital … Read more


Topic THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION – WHAT ITS POLICY CHANGES MEAN TO HEALTH Instructions Based on Galea, S. (2017).Discuss one article of your choosing.Be prepared to present your chosen article in a discussion on the current administration’s policy impacts on health. 1 APA-6 page Answer preview The progressive benefits of the health care act, popularly known … Read more

Overweight Prevention among College Students Based on the Affordable Care Act

Topic Overweight Prevention among College Students Based on the Affordable Care Act Instructions Analyse and discuss Overweight Prevention among College Students Based on the Affordable Care Act. Answer preview  Imagine being locked out of the healthcare coverage because you cannot afford to access the services. It must be one hell of an experience. An overweight … Read more

The School Lunch Policy in America

Topic The School Lunch Policy in America Instructions Health policy is the result of legislative action that establishes the scope, funding and focus for the policy in action. Health legislation covers a wide variety of topics from actual patient care, to biomedical research, to systems’ policies and regulations. It is the result of many different … Read more

A Constructivist Approach to International Relations and Politic

Topic A Constructivist Approach to International Relations and Politic Instructions Discuss A Constructivist Approach to International Relations and Politic. Answer preview The objective of this paper is to critically analyse constructivism as one of the approaches used in understanding international relations (IR). In particular, the paper focuses on the core principles of constructivism, focusing on … Read more

Post-Positivism in Studying International Relations and Politics

Topic Post-Positivism in Studying International Relations and Politics Instructions Discuss the role of Post-Positivism in Studying International Relations and Politics. Answer preview The approach to International Relations (IR) is often a subject of ontological and epistemological discussions. As Puchala (2013) states, positivism is the mainstream method of studying IR. Positivism holds that ‘genuine’ knowledge of a … Read more

Normal vs Abnormal Human Relations

Topic Normal vs Abnormal Human Relations Instructions Discuss normal and abnormal human relations. Answer preview In my life I have socialized with people from different walks of life starting from the time when I was little. During this time, I feel like there was not much of influences from my peers because I was still … Read more

Health Policy Testimony (Gun Control)

Topic Health Policy Testimony (Gun Control) Instructions Write a Health Policy Testimony on Gun Control. Answer preview I am a certified nurse with 14 years’ experience working with patients who suffer injuries gained from a suicide attempt or homicide cases. I have been trained on psychotherapy skills to help both victims and families deal with … Read more