Persuasive Letter for Comprehending Cultural Competence and Structural Racism

Topic Persuasive Letter for Comprehending Cultural Competence and Structural Racism Instructions You have a friend (imaginary or real) who does not share your concern for diversity. Write a letter to that friend expressing why you care about a particular diversity issue. How would you explain your interest in the topic and your position clearly? Don’t … Read more

Stereotyping– An Auto-ethnographic Reflection

Topic Stereotyping – An Auto-ethnographic Reflection Instructions This assessment extends ideas you explored in your racial autobiography. Drawing on your personal history and experience (this can include discussions with your family members and friends, anecdotes, and memories as well as discussions from this and other classes), reflect on what you learned about race and gender … Read more


Topic Lead Reflection Instructions The reflection will be divided into four sections: Section 1: (4-5 paragraphs) Provide a brief summary of the day’s events. Your summary should include an explanation of the keynote speeches, plus the names and brief summaries of the workshops you attended. Section 2: (2-3 paragraphs) Discuss how you might apply one … Read more

The Aging Process in Mexico

Topic The Aging Process in Mexico Instructions Discuss the aging process in Mexico. Answer preview According to Aguila, Lopez-Ortega, and Robleda (2018) the percentage of older adults in Mexico, aged 60 and above is on the rise to 21.5% in 2050 from about 9.3% in 2018. Other current trends expected of the aging population are … Read more

Have Cases Presented on behalf of Prisoners in the Australia Court of Human Rights Diminished Public Respect for Human Rights for Prisoners?

Topic Have Cases Presented on behalf of Prisoners in the Australia Court of Human Rights Diminished Public Respect for Human Rights for Prisoners? Instructions Have Cases Presented on behalf of Prisoners in the Australia Court of Human Rights Diminished Public Respect for Human Rights for Prisoners? Answer preview The Australian Constitution, and other regional and … Read more

Marital Rape in the U.S.A

Topic Marital rape in the U.S.A Instructions Discuss about marital rape in USA. Answer preview According to the criminal victimization report of 2018 (Morgan & Oudekerk), the numbers of victims involving residents that either 12 years old or above have only continued to increase from 2015 to 2018, increasing with a margin of 600, 000 … Read more

Drug Dealing – A Three-way Approach

Topic Drug Dealing – A Three-way Approach Instructions Discuss the Three-way Approach in Drug Dealing. Answer preview Drug dealing is considered to be a worldwide unlawful trade that entails the production, farming, sale and supply of products that are subject to drug barring legislations. In addition to this, illegal drug trade remains to be one … Read more

How the Middle East represented women in the cinema compared to Europe

Topic How the Middle East represented women in the cinema compared to Europe Instructions The topic you choose must be clearly connected to the unit theme of global film and television (Beyond Hollywood”). Focus on one of the following: a text, a genre, an institution, or a debate. When developing your final research project, you … Read more