Terrorism is mostly triggered by a Political factor

Topic Terrorism is mostly triggered by a Political factor Instructions Demonstrate why terrorism is triggered by a political factor using the organizational approach. Answer preview Acts of terrorism are considered as intentional choices by a political actor. Abrahms (2012) argued that the willingness of a political reason fuels the need to engage in terrorism. The … Read more

Climate Change Communication- Where does climate denialism come from?

Topic Climate Change Communication – Where does climate denialism come from? Instructions Where does climate denialism come from? Answer preview Climate denialism denotes the unwarranted dismissal of the scientific findings on climate change following natural or artificial causes (Cook, 2016). Denialism means that people in Australia and the rest of the world fail to come … Read more

Climate Change and Indigenous People

Topic Climate Change and Indigenous People Instructions Discuss the Impact of Climate Change and Indigenous People. Answer preview Global warming has led to a high rate of climate change in the world and the Hindu Kush Himalaya is one of the most affected mountains and this has led to a complicated life for 240 million … Read more

The Mediation Situation

Topic The Mediation Situation Instructions Perform the mediation exercise  If the mediator needs to communicate separately with only one of the parties, the mediator can make this a separate thread. The mediator must take the first initiative and start the communication, clearly indicating the purpose, suggested procedures and agenda items. The mediator will also need … Read more


Topic Group Facilitation- The Development of Critical Thinking Instructions Discuss the development of critical thinking Answer preview Critical thinking provides an avenue for purposeful engagement where controlled judgment is exercised to arrive at a sound conclusion concerning variables of a given circumstance. The development of critical thinking skills can be methodological in advancing the capability … Read more

O&R- Alcohol Support Groups

Topic O&R – Alcohol Support Groups Instructions There are support groups for drinking alcohol. There are four women. A twenty-year-old student. A mother has children left by her husband and there is difficulty controlling her life. The official named (Michael) told them, that everything’s will talk about will be secret. Talk about the time they … Read more

Affirmative Action on Equal Opportunities

Topic Affirmative Action on Equal Opportunities Instructions Affirmative Action is closely linked in many people’s minds with Equal Opportunity. Do you know what the difference is? Read: Willis, P. 2012, ‘Witnesses on the periphery: Young lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer employees witnessing homophobic exchanges in Australian workplaces’, Human Relations, 65(12), 1589-1610. You can also view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJgQR6xiZGs&t=82s Affirmative … Read more

What impacts do rising sea levels have on Indigenous peoples in the Pacific

Topic What impacts do rising sea levels have on Indigenous peoples in the Pacific Instructions What impacts do rising sea levels have on Indigenous peoples in the Pacific? Readings: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/australia-splits-with-pacific-islands-to-water-down-urgent-climate-warning https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-08-21/beijing-suggests-canberra-self-reflects-after-climate-talks-pif/11434080 https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/aug/16/pacific-islands-will-survive-climate-crisis-because-they-can-pick-our-fruit-australias-deputy-pm-says Answer preview The media has been awash about the threats posed by rising sea levels. The rising sea levels is a problem totally … Read more

The Change and Influence of the Chinese Government’s Public Crisis Management Mode under the New Media Perspective

Topic The Change and Influence of the Chinese Government’s Public Crisis Management Mode under the New Media Perspective Instructions Write a thesis paper on The Change and Influence of the Chinese Government’s Public Crisis Management Mode under the New Media Perspective. Answer preview The traditional media channels such as the radio, newspapers, television sets and … Read more

The Need for a Maritime Museum in Melbourne

Topic The Need for a Maritime Museum in Melbourne Instructions Write a reflection paper on the need for a Maritime Museum in Melbourne. Answer preview The aim of our team’s presentation was to outline the main reasons why there was a need for a maritime museum in Melbourne, to an audience that included team Milano … Read more