Health Impacts of Climate Change On Indigenous Peoples and Their Communities

Topic Health Impacts of Climate Change On Indigenous Peoples and Their Communities Instructions What impact have climate changes had on the health of Indigenous peoples and their communities? Answer preview Indigenous peoples and their communities are usually the first people to feel the adverse negative effects of climate change. Indigenous peoples depend directly upon the … Read more

Have Cases Presented on behalf of Prisoners in the Australia Court of Human Rights Diminished Public Respect for Human Rights for Prisoners?

Topic Have Cases Presented on behalf of Prisoners in the Australia Court of Human Rights Diminished Public Respect for Human Rights for Prisoners? Instructions Have Cases Presented on behalf of Prisoners in the Australia Court of Human Rights Diminished Public Respect for Human Rights for Prisoners? Answer preview Prisoners have the same human rights as … Read more

Highly Given Attention to Politicians on Climate Change even with Less Public Trust

Topic Highly Given Attention to Politicians on Climate Change even with Less Public Trust Instructions Discuss the highly given attention to politicians on climate change despite the less public trust. Answer preview Politicians play a huge role on influencing the socio-economic status of the people in a country. Although there have been continued proofs that … Read more

The role of professional federations in ensuring Australian workers are provided with safe and secure workplace environments

Topic The role of professional federations in ensuring Australian workers are provided with safe and secure workplace environments Instructions Reading: Hearn, M., & Lansbury, R. 2006, ‘Reworking Citizenship: Renewing Workplace Rights and Social Citizenship in Australia’, Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, 17:1, 85-99. Watch: Industrial Relations and Respectful … Read more

The Melbourne Maritime Heritage

Topic The Melbourne Maritime Heritage Instructions Write a summary on the Melbourne Maritime Heritage. Answer preview The maritime heritage in Melbourne has largely been rejected and is rarely acknowledged as the case in many other parts of Australia. The development of a maritime heritage provides the opportunity for the city to gain a tourist attraction … Read more

Ageing Workforce Impact on HRD in Australia

Topic Ageing Workforce Impact on HRD in Australia Instructions In this assessment task you are required to write a short essay of no more than 1500 words to critically discuss and address the following questions: • How are trends in the business environment impacting on human resource development (HRD)? Please choose one trend (e.g. globalisation, … Read more

Communication Issues as a result of cultural differences in Hong Kong

Topic Communication Issues as a result of cultural differences in Hong Kong Instructions Write a reflective journal on communication issues as a result of cultural differences in Hong Kong. Answer preview The project that we were undertaking was based in Hong Kong which was a relatively new location for many of the students. The individuals … Read more

The Role of Women’s Films in Relation to Female Spectatorship

Topic The Role of Women’s Films in Relation to Female Spectatorship Instructions Write an essay on The Role of Women’s Films in Relation to Female Spectatorship. Answer preview Woman’s film explores the genre of films that revolves around women-centeredness narratives, female heroes and crafted to appeal to the female audience. It is virtually to consider … Read more

Proposing a change in the issue of deforestation

Topic Proposing a change in the issue of deforestation Instructions Write your research proposal letter. This research proposal letter will be directed to an audience who can create change (Congressperson, business administrators, or other similar audience.) In the proposal, you need to suggest a change or a solution to a current problem. Answer preview The … Read more

Literature Synopsis

Topic Literature Synopsis Instructions Write a literature synopsis on strategic planning in schools. Answer preview Chukwumah and Ezeugbor  (2015) used a descriptive survey design to investigate the degree to which implementation of strategic plans for a Nigerian secondary schools’ educational quality. The research followed the presumption that the implementation of strategic plans faces substantial challenges, … Read more