Pomeranz’s Great Divergence and Mokyr’s Culture of Growth

Topic Pomeranz’s Great Divergence and Mokyr’s Culture of Growth Instructions Review Pomeranz’s Great Divergence and Mokyr’s Culture of Growth. Answer preview The Great Divergence by Kenneth Pomeranz and the Culture of Growth: The Origins of the Modern Economy by Joel Mokyr are influential books explaining the economic divergence between Europe and Asia. The importance of these books … Read more

Religion and World construction & Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844

Topic Religion and World construction & Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 Instructions Critical Reading Reflection – Religion and World construction & Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 Step 1) Read : “Religion and World Construction” by Berger (pp. 3-28) . Try not to focus too much on the religion part, but more on the “world construction part” . Step … Read more

The implications of gender ideology for child health in Jamaica & Gender

Topic Gender Reading – Bad boys and good girls The implications of gender ideology for child health in Jamaica & Gender – A Useful Category of Historical Analysis Instructions Write a reflection paper on Gender Reading – Bad boys and good girls The implications of gender ideology for child health in Jamaica & Gender – … Read more

Music Censorship in China

Topic Music Censorship in China Instructions Offer a survey of the size and scope of the available research literature on this topic. What is the nature and extent of the research on this topic? Has this topic has been given much academic attention? Explain what subject areas you have identified so far which have relevance … Read more

The Awareness Effectiveness

Topic The Awareness Effectiveness Instructions Review the article “The Awareness Effectiveness” by Sarah Vizard. Answer preview In her article on the decrease in awareness effectiveness, Sarah Vizard talks about the effectiveness of top funnel advertisement and what the marketers think about awareness. Vizard reflects on the results achieved by a survey that was carried out … Read more

Odysseus’s Poem

Topic Odysseus’s Poem Instructions Respond to Odysseus’s Poem. Answer preview Odyssey, a larger than life poem writer, was a controversial artist who focused on misleading his audience by controversial statements that related to the aspects that took place in society. The line married siblings are a statement that portrays extreme intelligence in Odyssey’s concept of … Read more

How the Middle East represented women in the cinema compared to Europe

Topic How the Middle East represented women in the cinema compared to Europe Instructions The topic you choose must be clearly connected to the unit theme of global film and television (Beyond Hollywood”). Focus on one of the following: a text, a genre, an institution, or a debate. When developing your final research project, you … Read more


Topic THE IDEAL OF THE GALANT IN MOZART’S MUSIC Instructions To what extent is the ideal of the Galant evident in Mozart’s music? Answer preview The Galant style of music was largely embraced between the 1720s and the 1770s. the standout feature of this style was its simplicity. It was welcomed by the masses because … Read more