The Analysis of Beauty

Topic The Analysis of Beauty Instructions How is [your topic] represented through visual media? How do these visual representations shape the meanings ascribed to [your topic]? What are the social/political/ethical implications of this? Answer preview Beauty can be defined as something that is depicted as appealing, attractive, charming and alluring. Visual media, on the other … Read more

Conflict Resolution in a Domestic Comedy

Topic Conflict Resolution in a Domestic Comedy Instructions Discuss about conflict resolution in a domestic comedy. Answer preview All in the family conflict happens in a collective form, all family members get to contribute their ideas so that a problem is solved. Even Edith who is a slow learner is making contributions to the conflict. … Read more

Language and gender

Topic Language and gender Instructions Discuss the essay question: Some people believe that there is nothing wrong with using sexist language in relation to either gender. In this course, we argue that sexist language used against either gender can be harmful or hurtful as it is often connected to power and status. Explain the connection … Read more

The Main Message in George Orwell’s Novel Animal Farm

Topic The Main Message in George Orwell’s Novel Animal Farm Instructions What is the main message George Orwell is trying to share through his novel Animal Farm? Answer preview The novel titled Animal Farm by George Orwell conveys the main message of power and control, an allegory of the events of the Russian revolution. Power corrupts; … Read more

A review of the book Crash

Topic A review of the book Crash Instructions Your response must be 1000 words in length, printed, double spaced, and written in a standard 12-point font. A legitimate citation style is required, preferably Chicago or MLA. A Works Cited page is also required. The necessary bibliographic information is attached to each reading. Do not include … Read more

The Novel Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Topic The Novel Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen Instructions What are some key devices used in the novel and what function do they serve? Pay attention to symbolism. Identify at least one MOTIF and provide at least three quotations that indicate its use. Discuss their significance. Write at least three theme statements. Explain the … Read more

Comparison of the play Death of a Salesman Vs Hamlet

Topic Comparison of the play Death of a Salesman Vs Hamlet Instructions Answer preview Death of a salesman is the first one that comes in mind with the protagonist Mr. Willy Loman being the first one in line. This is a person that has been characterized with major insecurity issues and moves along with dangerous … Read more

A review of The Art Public Speaking by Stephen E. Lucas

Topic A review of The Art Public Speaking by Stephen E. Lucas Instructions Write a review of The Art Public Speaking by Stephen E. Lucas. Answer preview The concept of Public Speaking by Stephen E. Lucas is a textbook that sets the right sight on relevance and the value of public speaking. In this book, the … Read more