My Communication Skills

Topic My Communication Skills Instructions Write a short 3-5 page paper evaluating your own communication skills. Use your text and outside resources.  Be sure to submit the paper in proper APA format including cover and reference pages. Be sure to answer the following: 1. Analyze and evaluate your communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal? Using a scale … Read more

Taming Movie

Topic Taming Movie Instructions Answer preview Why does Lucentio decide to take a job as a schoolmaster? The job as a schoolmaster was to provide an avenue for him to reach Bianca. This was to disguise himself so he can be within reach and engage her in a conversation with the intention of being her … Read more

Brian Jordan’s American History to 1877

Topic Brian Jordan’s American History to 1877 Instructions Write a book review: Brian Jordan’s American History to 1877 Answer preview Brian Jordan introduces a chronology of American history before 1877. He examines the history through the incorporation of various writings in economics, demographics, foreign policies and politics. His aim is to show what Europeans found … Read more

Organizational Adaptation and Higher Education

Topic Organizational Adaptation and Higher Education Instructions What is the problem the author addresses? What are the assumptions the author makes? What theoretical, conceptual, or interpretive framework does the author use? What is the author’s model of education? In other words: What is the role of education in society? What should it be? What are … Read more

Lingua Franca

Topic  Lingua Franca Instructions  Write a Summary and response essay based on the article by Frath (2010) titled “Should the world Rely on English as a lingua franca?” uploaded to the content section of Courselink. This essay will be done in 3 drafts. The first draft will be done for peer editing. The second draft … Read more

The West Wing

Topic The West Wing Instructions Watch the movie, The West Wing, and write two pages summary including lessons you learn from it and your opinion. Answer preview In the first season, the series begins with President Bartlet in the middle of his reign in the West Wing seems to be facing some troubles with the … Read more

Breach Review

Topic Breach Review Instructions Watch the movie and answer the questions briefly. Breach, a documentary-drama about the Robert Hanssen Spy Case. You can view it for a fee on YouTube and amazon, or watch it on Netflix if you are a member. Watch this video on Operation Ajax, the CIA’s first covert action operation … Read more

Men and Women Learn English in Different Ways

Topic  Men and Women Learn English in Different Ways Instructions  Answer Preview  There are different factors that determine the strategies and duration taken to become fluent and effective in the language (Xinyan, 2014).  These factors can be grouped as learner based factors, teacher based factors and environment based factors. When determining the best strategies to use … Read more

Professional Demeanor

Topic  Professional Demeanor Instructions  Write an essay detailing on professional demeanor Answer Preview  The first thing I have learned in this program in relation to professional demeanor is the use of language. Exhibition of professional demeanor has to begin on the way a person talks and I have learned to choose my language carefully and … Read more

Implementation of the Aboriginal Languages Bill in Community

Topic  Implementation of the Aboriginal Languages Bill in Community Instructions  Description Students are to present a funding proposal under the Aboriginal Languages Bill. Students must select a region in NSW and provide a short summary of the country and language groups. An overview of any current language revitalisation efforts within the area and how your … Read more