NASW Social Working activities

Topic NASW Social Working activities Instructions Consider the following roles that a typical social worker might take on in her/ his work. advocate, broker, activist, enabler, group facilitator. Which one of these do you feel most comfortable performing? which one feels least comfortable performing? Explain your answers. State the difference between micro and macro social … Read more

Cultures, Subcultures and Proverbs

Topic Cultures, Subcultures and Proverbs Instructions To show how culture changes over time, identify 2 behaviors that would have been considered “bad, wrong, terrible, or punishable” (mores) in your grandparent’s generation that in today’s culture are seen as “not a big deal” (folkways). Explain. Then identify 2 behaviors that would have been considered “no big … Read more

Uber Faces Federal Investigation Over Alleged Gender Discrimination

Topic  Uber Faces Federal Investigation Over Alleged Gender Discrimination Instructions  Uber Faces Federal Investigation Over Alleged Gender Discrimination QUESTIONS: How is Uber responding to the allegations of gender discrimination? What approach is the CEO at Uber taking to change the culture of the organization? What is his promise for the new culture? Why do you … Read more

Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Topic  Five Dysfunctions of a Team Instructions  YouTube URL: AFTER watching the video- post your comments on what you took away from the video. And, consider what problems have you experienced with teams/groups.  (See the Rubric to guide you as you develop your blogs. Answer Preview  In my previous team meetings, I have encountered a lack … Read more

Components of Emotional Intelligence

Topic  Components of Emotional Intelligence Instructions  Define and provide examples for the four main components of Emotional Intelligence (EI). Provide an example of a time where EI has helped you in the workplace Answer Preview  To that end, there are certain traits like optimism, transparency and adaptability which define the concept more (McCleskey, 88). For … Read more

Intrinsic Motivation of Workers by Daniel Pink

Topic  Intrinsic Motivation of Workers by Daniel Pink Instructions  YouTube URL: The purpose of the Blog is to share information with classmates, as well as provide content for your final project and share your thoughts on motivation-what works, what does not work? Watch the video about motivation, then complete the Blog assignment based on your observations of … Read more

Strengths and Weaknesses of Multiculturalism in Canada

Topic  Strengths and Weaknesses of Multiculturalism in Canada Instructions  Answer Preview  As much as Canada boasts of benefits of multiculturalism, there are documented shreds of evidence of its weaknesses. First, the citizens with European ancestry have formed a group which isolates from the others. In that regard, this group regards itself highly as opposed to … Read more

The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Topic  The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Instructions  Rationale Because the major assignment for this semester is based upon a large research-driven project, I am requiring a proposal that lays out the general research questions and thesis for the research paper. This is to accomplish two things: 1) to get you thinking about your final project early … Read more

The Carl Rogers Psychology Theory

Topic  The Carl Rogers Psychology Theory Instructions  Write an essay paper on the Carl Rogers Psychology Theory Answer Preview  The basic purpose of life. Carl Rogers states that the basic goal in life is for human beings to fully utilize the rate at which growth and change takes place, feel a growing pride in themselves … Read more