Subcultures of Consumption: An Ethnography of the New Bikers

Topic Subcultures of Consumption: An Ethnography of the New Bikers Instructions As an individual, you are responsible for preparing and delivering the following materials for ONE of the seminar articles. You should assume that most of the class will have ‘skimmed’ your article but may NOT have read your article in detail. You should also … Read more

The Social Work Activity

Topic The Social Work Activity Instructions Your response should be approximately 2 pages in length. 1) Identify one type of group that you have been a member of (as a participant or leader). Discuss characteristics of the forming stage in that group type.  What did you feel during the forming stage? What 2 things did … Read more

Persuasive Letter for Comprehending Cultural Competence and Structural Racism

Topic Persuasive Letter for Comprehending Cultural Competence and Structural Racism Instructions You have a friend (imaginary or real) who does not share your concern for diversity. Write a letter to that friend expressing why you care about a particular diversity issue. How would you explain your interest in the topic and your position clearly? Don’t … Read more

Stereotyping– An Auto-ethnographic Reflection

Topic Stereotyping – An Auto-ethnographic Reflection Instructions This assessment extends ideas you explored in your racial autobiography. Drawing on your personal history and experience (this can include discussions with your family members and friends, anecdotes, and memories as well as discussions from this and other classes), reflect on what you learned about race and gender … Read more

How the Middle East represented women in the cinema compared to Europe

Topic How the Middle East represented women in the cinema compared to Europe Instructions The topic you choose must be clearly connected to the unit theme of global film and television (Beyond Hollywood”). Focus on one of the following: a text, a genre, an institution, or a debate. When developing your final research project, you … Read more

Introduction to Racism and the Aboriginal and the Torres Straits Islanders

Topic Introduction to Racism and the Aboriginal and the Torres Straits Islanders Instructions How does racism effect the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and how can it be addressed? Answer preview One of the overarching issues facing society across the globe is the proliferation of racism in society, which divides … Read more

Professional Boundaries – Ethical Dilemmas and Principles

Topic Professional Boundaries – Ethical Dilemmas and Principles Instructions Describe a time when your boundaries have been challenged in your field placement. Discuss how you handled the challenge. What ethical principle(s) are relevant to the incident?  How do you feel when your boundaries are challenged? Answer preview Ethical issues related to boundaries in social work … Read more

Advocacy Plan for Preventing Eye Conditions among the Aboriginal People

Topic Advocacy Plan for Preventing Eye Conditions among the Aboriginal People Instructions ‘What are some of the key elements of advocacy and community development when working with Aboriginal community/peoples?’ Answer preview Almost after 250 years of colonization, the Aboriginal People are still burdened by a complex web of issues. The widespread socioeconomic disadvantage and health … Read more

Reflecting on an individual’s own thoughts in a group

Topic Reflecting on an individual’s own thoughts in a group Instructions Discuss about reflecting on an individual’s own thoughts in a group. Answer preview Stating an individual’s opinions and asking candid questions demonstrates that an individual is meditating which includes the intent and the thinking of the thought and also requesting on an individual’s own … Read more

Issues that emerged during Group Discussions

Topic Issues that emerged during Group Discussions Instructions Describe a time when a group meeting became highly emotional. What caused the members to express their emotions? How did you handle this process? As a facilitator-how could you have intervened and helped the group improve their communication? Answer preview One time when a group meeting became … Read more