An Indigenous Environmental Network

Topic An Indigenous Environmental Network Instructions Acquire an understanding and be aware of the major issues and treatment of Aboriginal peoples. Practice researching unfamiliar topics using a range of research tools. A case study is a researched, detailed, documented analysis and referenced paper about a group/issue/peoples/subjects. Write a case study on a group which advocates … Read more

Supervision in Social Work

Topic Supervision in Social Work Instructions Discuss the role of supervision in social work. Answer preview The supervision is being utilised as a learning platform in which I share challenges encountered as well as seek opinions form the supervisor. A typical session involves the assessment of the assigned tasks completion and then a review of … Read more

Aboriginal Programs-Brazil’s Bolsa Familia

Topic Aboriginal Programs-Brazil’s Bolsa Familia Instructions The core reading is: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2008, Human Rights: Frequently Asked Questions on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (33), United Nations, Geneva. Sections 11-(pp 20-35) There are some additional resources for you view: Brazil’s Silent Revolution: Bolsa Familia builds up Brazil from … Read more

What a True Friend Means

Topic What a True Friend Means Instructions Illustrate what it means to be a “true friend.” What does being a “true friend” mean to you? What “true friends” have you had, and how do their actions coincide with being your definition of a “true friend?” Answer preview Friendship is one of the many relationships that … Read more

The Development of Immigrants Children

Topic The Development of Immigrants Children Instructions Create an investigative report. For this report, investigate one of two things: 1) an organization in their field of study that could be a possible future employer, or 2) an organization that might be seen as a model of efficiency, structure or excellence. Here is a brief list … Read more

Benefits of Caring for Country for Aboriginal People

Topic Benefits of Caring for Country for Aboriginal People Instructions Discuss the benefits of Caring for Country for Aboriginal People. Answer preview Caring for country revolves around having the knowledge, taking responsibility as well as inherent right to engage in managing traditional lands. The concept has many health and well-being benefits for aboriginals both in … Read more

The Social Work Profession

Topic The Social Work Profession Instructions Critically reflect on the social work profession, its role in helping and their understanding of themselves as helpers. Who am I? How does this impact my perspective on help? What are my motivations to help and expectations around helping? What is intersectionality? What intersections do I occupy? How does … Read more

Jane Elliot’s social and emotional experiment innovation

Topic  Jane Elliot’s social and emotional experiment innovation Instructions  Watch the PBS program – A Class Divided (Links to an external site.) Although, Jane Elliott’s study was conducted over 25 years ago, many believe that it still shares a valuable lesson with us about discrimination.  Do you think that this lesson can still  have an positive impact … Read more

Assessing the Potential Impact of “Artificial intelligence (AI)” on the “Education” sector

Topic  Assessing the Potential Impact of “Artificial intelligence (AI)” on the “Education” sector Instructions  Your assignment is to submit a 7,000 to 9,000-word research report assessing the potential impact of “Transparency” on the “Education” sector. Your report must draw on the relevant research literature related to either Technology, Information, or Operations Management. Appendix 1: NINE … Read more

Assessing the Potential Impact of Transparency in the Education Sector

Topic  Assessing the Potential Impact of Transparency in the Education Sector Instructions  Your assignment is to submit a 7,000 to 9,000-word research report assessing the potential impact of “Transparency” on the “Education” sector. Your report must draw on the relevant research literature related to either Technology, Information, or Operations Management. Finish the entire dissertation according … Read more