Effective Parenting Strategies to Reduce Disruptive Behavior in Children

Topic  Effective Parenting Strategies to Reduce Disruptive Behavior in Children Instructions  This is an event paper Effective Parenting Strategies to Reduce Disruptive Behavior in Children Answer Preview  How does this article relate to the weekly concept? (5-7 sentences): This article relates to the weekly concept because it analyzes social behavior among individuals. Social behavior is … Read more

Auburn University

Topic  Auburn University Instruction  This assignment will give you an opportunity to familiarize yourself with Auburn University resources that are available to you to help you succeed academically. Directions: Go to http://www.auburn.edu/main/currentstudents.html#AcademicSuccess. Your assignment is to research Study Partners, Supplemental Instruction, and the Miller Writing Center (listed as “Writing Center”). Click on these links and … Read more

China Vows Retaliation if Trump Engages in Trade War

Topic  China Vows Retaliation if Trump Engages in Trade War Instructions  All students are required to read ONE article on economic development or international trade and complete a one-page briefing form.  The forms are available in Blackboard. Please complete the briefing form and submit it through the Assignment Folder Answer Preview  China has pledged to hit … Read more

Market Trends and Forces (Marketing promotion of New Zealand antipode water company in the Philippines)

Topic  Market Trends and Forces (Marketing promotion of New Zealand antipode water company in the Philippines) Instructions  Answer Preview  The Philippines represents a stable political-legal environment. An analysis of the recent election by cites shows that country enjoys stable political stability, with a majority of Filipino approving the political leadership (Export.gov, 2017. The overall political … Read more

Exploring Deer Culling as the Best method of Deer Population Check

Topic  Exploring Deer Culling as the Best method of Deer Population Check Instructions  Study Questions: (1) What is the moral relevance of the fact that humans have encroached on deer’s natural habitat? (2) When, if ever, do benefits to humans outweigh harms to non-human animals like deer? (3) Is culling the most humane way to … Read more

U.S. must beware China’s ‘Guam killer’ missile’

Topic  The U.S. must beware China’s ‘Guam killer’ missile’ Instructions  This is a summary paper on the US Army Answer Preview  Brad Lendon in his article ‘The U.S. must beware China’s ‘Guam killer’ missile’, explains that the United States is under threat by China. China has a long-range nuclear bomb, capable of hitting 3400 miles … Read more

Education and Religion

Topic Education and Religion Instructions This discussion encompasses two distinct areas- education and religion.  I would like you to: 1.) Apply the conflict perspective on education to the Buffalo Public Schools (or another large, urban district that is closer to you if you are not from the Buffalo area).  I would like you to evaluate the … Read more

Population and Urbanization

Topic Population and Urbanization Instructions This discussion will deal with demography.  I would like you to: 1.) Discuss why you feel that demography is or is not important to Sociology. 2.) Using the UB Library online resource, search for the journal named “Demography” under the e-journal list.  Find an article from a 2016 or 2017 issue … Read more

Pretrial Procedure, Plea Bargaining and the Criminal Trial

Topic  Pretrial Procedure, Plea Bargaining, and the Criminal Trial Instructions  This is a summary of chapter 8 Answer Preview  The chapter is informative as it provides an insight into the pretrial process, which is a major process in the trial that includes arraignment and motions. Furthermore, the chapter explains the manner in which the bail … Read more

Ursula Le Guin : Event paper

Topic  Ursula Le Guin: Event paper Instructions  This is an event paper for Ursula le Guin Answer Preview  How does this article relate to the weekly concept? (5-7 sentences): This article is related to the current weekly concept because it relates to the daily per-take of what a society is and some societal misconceptions that … Read more