
Topic Egotism Instructions Write a 200-word post on egotism. Answer preview I found it astonishing that manager’s simple practice of thinking and talking excessively concerning oneself under a drive of egotism in an unwarranted aspect of self-importance can destroy the concept and efficiency of teamwork. Teamwork brings together large pool of diversified skills and knowledge. … Read more

Data, Race and Democracy

Topic  Data, Race, and Democracy Task: Write ALL 3 essays below (500 words each): Respond to the following statement, making reference to at least TWO disciplines covered in Lectures from “” (anthropology, sociology, psychology, economics, and political science): “Quantitative data is more reliable than qualitative data“ Can a country that denies the right to vote … Read more

Impact of Internet on Cultures around the World

Topic  Impact of the Internet on Cultures around the World Task: “The growth in internet use has affected cultures around the world, leading to a westernized, homogenous world culture.” Using existing literature and data, critically evaluate this claim in relation to at least 3 of the following areas: Politics Business Youth culture Language Requirements: The … Read more

Underdevelopment in Poor Countries

Topic Underdevelopment is the result of rich countries exploiting poor countries Instructions Words: 3800 References: 30 minimum (Harvard). Task: Choose ONE question, and illustrate your answers with examples and/or case studies. Always clearly indicate what elements of which theory and/or author you are addressing, or not. It is vital that you use the reading list … Read more

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

Topic Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Instructions In 5 pages (APA style), write about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Answer preview Among the indigenous Australian population there are the Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander who have different beliefs, ideas and thoughts. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander are persons of the Aboriginal or Torres … Read more

Performance Review

Topic  Performance Review Instructions  For this discussion board, you should search the Internet for a review of performance and assess if it follows the guidelines from Chapter 10 in Argument Today. The review can be of a restaurant, music group, book…anything that you find interesting!  In your post, use the “Organizing and Drafting Your Review” … Read more

The United States Census

Topic  The United States Census Instructions  This assignment focuses on teaching quantitative literacy using information available in the United States census.  You will create a minimum of two charts in Excel showing data and write a 2-3 page paper interpreting similarities and differences between two geographic locations. What will you learn by doing this assignment? This … Read more

The Indigenous people of Australia

Topic  The Indigenous people of Australia Instructions  Question 1. In your own words identify and define the concept of global Indigenous peoples (200-300 words). At the completion of the written piece place your reference/s Answer Preview  The most common element among the indigenous people is that they are at risk of invasion by the colonized … Read more

A Modest Proposal

Topic  A Modest Proposal Instructions  After reading Chapter 14 of Argument Today, read Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” and watch Colbert’s address to a congressional hearing on migrant labor found below. Many of the pieces that we’ve read deal with modern issues, use modern media and engage with us as modern readers.  Swift’s essay, however, is … Read more

Book extract Paraphrasing and Summarizing

Topic  Book extract Paraphrasing and Summarizing Instructions  When living standards visibly contrast — such as in crowded urban centers, where slums are scattered amid wealthy neighborhoods — studies have shown cooperation between the rich and the poor falters. In the context of climate change, this lack of cooperation between rich and poor manifests itself in … Read more