
Topic Cosmopolitanism Instructions “What does cosmopolitanism mean to you? Where do you think people learn to be cosmopolitans?what do they need to know?how does global citizenship fit (or not) with national citizenship? Be concrete by either proposing a curriculum for a secondary or university-level course, designing a new university, constructing a different artistic or literary … Read more

White Collar Crime

Topic White collar crime Instructions Read pages 142-144 and 151-153 of Legal Environment of Business. Consider the following as you read: Think about white collar crime and the impact it has on the profitability of business. Do we need to be tougher than we are on this form of crime? Answer preview White collar crime remains … Read more

Observing Social Behavior

Topic Observing Social Behavior Instructions Write 1 page in APA format. Throughout the week, take a moment to observe the social behaviors of others. Pay particular attention to the behaviors of people that are with other people. Because this is a blog, you can add to it throughout the week. Please write using complete sentences. … Read more

Core Values of Social Work

Topic Core Values of Social Work Instructions Write a 4-page essay in APA format. Your task is to determine if and how the values with which you were raised and learned match those of the profession. First, choose two of the six NASW social work values shared in class (also refer to NASW website). In … Read more

Review: Nutritional Programming policies that impact childhood obesity rates

Topic  Review: Nutritional Programming policies that impact childhood obesity rates Instructions  The following are policies related to my topic, which is Nutritional Programming in public schools in Philadelphia and how it impacts on childhood obesity. A. Provide a brief review of each policy. As policymakers write: 1. What is this policy about? 2. Why this … Read more

Research paper: Criticism of Sigmund Freud child developmental psychology theories

Topic  Research paper: Criticism of Sigmund Freud child developmental psychology theories Instructions  Write a Research paper Criticism of Sigmund Freud child developmental psychology theories Answer Preview  Freud came up with the term Oedipus complex to bring up a stage in the development of boys. In his argument, Freud argues that at some age, infants tend … Read more

Equal Rights Amendment

Topic  Equal Rights Amendment Instructions  Write a paper on  Equal Rights Amendment Answer Preview  The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) remains one of the most influential unratified constitutional amendments in American history. Written by suffragist Alice Paul, the ERA’s significant claim simply states, “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by … Read more

Psychology Introduction

Topic  Psychology Introduction Instructions  Answer Preview  Personally, chronic stress affected my body in different ways. I was experiencing chronic stress because I did not receive the expected parental care after my parents perished in a road accident. As a result of chronic stress, I was experiencing a serious impact on my psychological and physical health … Read more

Implementing a New Human Resource Information System

Topic  Implementing a New Human Resource Information System Instructions  Answer Preview  Comparison between Ordinary Human Resource Data Collection and Human Resource Information Systems Human resources divisions and departments typically collect a lot of information pertaining to their employees as well as business processes. HR divisions do this to meet legal requirements in regards to employment … Read more

Television is not a Destructive Force in Our Society

Topic  Television is not a Destructive Force in Our Society Instructions  Write an essay on Television is not a Destructive Force in Our Society Answer Preview  Although some people may argue otherwise, I consider television as a constructive device for society. Television is a source of entertainment that helps people to combine both audio and … Read more