Assignment: presentation of LEARNING & COGNITION HANDBOOK

Topic  Assignment: presentation of LEARNING & COGNITION HANDBOOK Instructions  To complete this assignment, students may utilize the Learning and Cognition Handbook template or create their own using the template as a guide. Each section of the handbook should be written in the student’s own words with the use of limited paraphrased material cited according to APA standards … Read more

Book Summary: Chapter 11: Interpersonal Conflict and Conflict Management

Topic  Book Summary: Chapter 11: Interpersonal Conflict and Conflict Management Instructions  Write a summary of Chapter 11: Interpersonal Conflict and Conflict Management Answer Preview  Preliminaries to Interpersonal Conflict             Prior to the consideration of conflict management stages and strategies, it is important to determine the meaning of interpersonal conflict, the myths associated with the concept, … Read more

Book Summary: Chapter 12: Interpersonal Power and Influence

Topic  Book Summary: Chapter 12: Interpersonal Power and Influence Instructions  Write a book summary on Chapter 12 Interpersonal Power and Influence Answer preview  Principles of Power and Influence Although the law points out that people are equal regarding entitlement to some freedoms and social protection, people often differ on the basis of their birth into … Read more

Exploring and Affirming Your Personal Identity

Topic  Exploring and Affirming Your Personal Identity Instructions  Create monthly and annual budgets for two families of four (2 adults, a 3-year-old boy, and an 8-year-old girl). One of the budgets should be at what your group considers to be a “barely adequate” level of living. The other should be at what the group defines … Read more

Educational plan

Topic  Educational plan Instructions  1. Outline your educational plans and career goals and discuss how your proposed plan of graduate study relates to them. Some areas of discussion might include Specific attributes of the program at UD that lead you to believe that this degree is appropriate to help you achieve your professional objectives. Within … Read more

Discrimination in America’s health sector

Topic  Discrimination in America’s health sector Instructions  Each student will write a product that demonstrates an understanding of interviewing skills with a specific client system and a selected problem.  The final product will be 10 typed (double-spaced) pages in length and should contain the information outlined below.  Papers will be evaluated on clarity and writing … Read more

Action planning Critique

Topic  Action planning Critique Instructions    Answer Preview  Goal Setting: End Goal; Next Goal My initial goal was to make the children in the institution learn easily and faster. This I did by creating new ways in the form of games that were easy and interactive and required the children’s participation. The games made the … Read more

Extinction project: Cylindraspis Vosm

Topic  Extinction project: Cylindraspis Vosm Instructions  Write an extinction project on Cylindraspis Vosm Answer Preview  _ Cylindraspis was a low grazer herbivore feeding mainly of grasses and fibrous plant matter.________   _____________ The animal ate where it lived _______________________________________________   How it eats   __ The Cylindraspis used its wide set mouth to browse and … Read more

Extinction project: Mammuthus Primigenius

Topic  Extinction project: Mammuthus Primigenius Instructions  Write about the extinction of Mammuthus Primigenius Answer Preview  The woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) is an extinct species of mammoth that lived during the Pleistocene epoch and was one of the last in a line of mammoth species. The woolly mammoth was roughly the same size as modern African … Read more