Extinction project: Harpagornis moorei

Topic  Extinction project: Harpagornis moorei Instructions  Write about the Harpagornis moorei Answer Preview  The Haast’s eagle (Harpagornis moorei) is an extinct species of the eagle that once lived on the South Island of New Zealand. The species was the largest eagle known to have existed. Its massive size is explained as an evolutionary response to … Read more

Dromaius novaehollandiae minor

Topic  Dromaius novaehollandiae minor Instructions  Discuss Animal extinction: King Island Emu Answer Preview  King Island Emu is an extinct subspecies of Emu that was endemic to King Island which is situated in the Bass Strait between mainland Australia and Tasmania. It became extinct 14, 000 years ago. The King Island emu was the smallest of all … Read more

Amphicyon major

Topic  Amphicyon major Instructions  This is an assignment in Amphicyon major Answer Preview  The bear dogs resembled the primitive dogs in many aspects that include body proportions. The bear dogs fall in the family of amphicyonids and had heavier bodies as compared to the primitive dogs. The anthropological experts presume that the amphicyonids were plantigrade … Read more

Reaching Digital Public: The Filter Bubble

Topic Reaching Digital Public: The Filter Bubble Instructions Write a discussion essay, 1 page. “Filter Bubble” The prevalent discourse around new media suggests that they have had a positive effect on democracy in terms of providing a public space for political discourse. However, recent studies have shown that the growing trend to use the Internet to … Read more

The Role of an Inter-Professional Social Worker

Topic  The Role of an Inter-Professional Social Worker Instructions  Social Workers participating in many interdisciplinary teams. It is vital that you gain knowledge and comfort in working in these teams.  This assignment is one of two activities.  You will participate in an Inter-professional experience. (IPE) experience or write about what IPE is.  Answer preview  Social … Read more


Topic  Introductions(Q&A) Instructions  The client has given brief answers. Expound on them in 200 words I would like us to use this forum as a way for us to introduce ourselves and get to know each other.  Here is what I would like you to include in your posts: 1.) Where are you from? 2.) … Read more

Final Push to Graduation

Topic  Final Push to Graduation Instructions  Write a final push for graduation Answer Preview One thing I will be looking forward to buying in the UOP store will be a UOP-branded tracksuit. I really like exercising as much as education. I believe that committing myself to keep fit is one of the best ways I … Read more

Domestic Violence

Topic Domestic Violence Instructions Read Domestic Violence article posted on Blackboard about provider’s with extensive experience with domestic violence victims.  What did you read that you were unaware of previously? Write a discussion in APA 6th edition, 1 page. http://www.bullyingstatistics.org Answer Preview The given article by Gerbert et al. (1999) presents many interesting issues about … Read more