Deviance and Social Control

Topic  Deviance and Social Control Instructions  Find a recent (2017) article from a news outlet that details a crime.  In your post, provide details of the crime, its disposition (what happened to the accused) as well as a link to the article. Then, I would like you to use one of the theories of social … Read more

United States Copyright Protection

Topic  The United States Copyright Protection Instructions  Under current copyright law in the United States protections extend for the life of the author plus 50 years or 75 years for a work of corporate authorship. Copyright law has been extended many times over the years providing further and further protection for copyright holders. Review the … Read more

Death Penalty

Topic Death Penalty Instructions For this assignment, you will need find an article on a topic related to human rights. In addition, once you pick your topic, you may want to do online research to find additional information; however, this is not required. Here are some examples that that you can use: prisoner rights, death … Read more

Alcohol Consumption

Topic Alcohol Consumption Instructions Write the use of alcohol in your culture of origin and be ready to discuss with the class. How would you define “social drinking” in your culture? Using APA 6th edition, write 1 page about alcohol consumption in traditional Muslim, Russian and American cultures. Answer Preview Drinking of alcohol serves many … Read more

Consequences of displaying abnormal social behaviour

Topic Consequences of displaying abnormal social behaviour Instructions Research and Critique an Experimental Study Prior to beginning work on this assignment, be sure to have read all the required resources for the week. Find an experimental research study on the topic chosen in Week One for your Final Research Proposal. You may choose to include … Read more

A Brief History of Social Work

Topic A Brief History of Social Work Instructions Historical Perspective of Social Work /Watch the video: A Brief History of Social Work at  (Links to an external site.) 2/Watch video on Super social workers on TED videos:  (Links to an external site.) Read and highlight the people on the website: (Links to an … Read more

Interview for a Clinical Therapist

Topic Interview for a Clinical Therapist Instructions For this project, you will be interviewing an individual who currently has employment with an organization that involves some form of social interaction. For this milestone, you will perform the following activities: Anticipated social psychological topics– Each week we are learning new behaviors and phenomena that take place … Read more

Factors Affecting the Cross Border Movement of People in Tijuana

Topic  Factors Affecting the Cross Border Movement of People in Tijuana Instructions  Research for Factors Affecting the Cross Border Movement of People in Tijuana Answer Preview  The cross-border movement of people describes a phenomenon in which people move from one country to another. This is a situation when individuals could be moving from one country … Read more

Personal Change and Self-Regulation from Past to Current Educational Learning

Topic  Personal Change and Self-Regulation from Past to Current Educational Learning Instructions  Prior to beginning this journal entry, read “Metacognition” (pg. 128-134) and “Lifelong Learning” (pp. 247-253) in you required text. Also read the following required articles: “How Does Metacognition Contribute to the Regulation of Learning? An Integrative Approach,” “Reflective Journal Writing as a Metacognitive … Read more

Why Institutions Matter for Development

Topic  Why Institutions Matter for Development Instructions  What are institutions? Explain why and how they matter for development. Select and develop a critical argument, using at least two specific examples of how institutions affect development. Answer Preview  An institution may be defined differently based on the context, but the general definition describes an organization, society, … Read more