Comparison and Contrast of Expectancy and Social Learning Theories

Topic  Comparison and Contrast of Expectancy and Social Learning Theories Instructions  Write a discussion paper offering a comparison and contrast between expectancy and social learning theories. Answer Preview  The expectancy theory highlights that the human behavior depends on a motivating outcome. According to the theory, people are likely to act in a specific way if … Read more

Malcolm Payne’s Three Course Model of Social Work

Topic  Malcolm Payne’s Three Course Model of Social Work Instructions  You will write a 4 page (not including title and reference pages) double-spaced typed paper that addresses the following questions: Comment on how each of the views of social work play out in your field placement agency. Are they equally balanced? Does your agency tend … Read more

Pet Therapy Event

Topic  Pet Therapy Event Instructions  Write a reflection paper on a Pet Therapy event that you attended. Answer Preview  The event was as educative as possible, owing to the amount of new knowledge I was able to acquire as far as pet therapy is concerned. Animals in some way possess a power to draw the … Read more

An open piece on Debt in Kenya

Topic  An open piece on Debt in Kenya Instructions Answer Preview  According to the regulations set down by the international monetary fund, there is a particular ratio that countries should adhere to when dealing with debt. It is recommended that it should not be higher than 40 percent for developing countries like Kenya (Braga & … Read more

The State of Poverty

Topic  The State of Poverty Instructions  Read: US President Donald Trump, Speech to Congress, Feb 2017 (begins 1.09.00). Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers keynote speech at WEF opening ceremony. Points to review: How do you think Donald Trump would reply to Xi Jinping’s points? How might Xi Jinping justify globalisation to a US … Read more

Donald Trump’s Speech

Topic  Donald Trump’s Speech Instructions  Read: US President Donald Trump, Speech to Congress, Feb 2017 (begins 1.09.00). Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers keynote speech at WEF opening ceremony. Points to review: How do you think Donald Trump would reply to Xi Jinping’s points? How might Xi Jinping justify globalisation to a US audience? … Read more

The US Presence across the World and Terrorism

Topic  The US Presence across the World and Terrorism Instructions  To get a good mark you will need to: 1)            Write your reviews every week. Practice and feedback is how you will improve their quality. 2)            Use the seminar questions to help you think about the pertinent issues. 3)            Compare and contrast the different texts … Read more


Topic  THE SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN UKIP AND THE CONSERVATIVE Instructions  Read “TimBale.pdf”: Bale, Tim (2018), ‘Who leads and who follows? The symbiotic relationship between UKIP and the Conservatives – and populism and Euroscepticism’, Politics, 38: 3, 263-277.Tim Bale (of SPIR) explores the political dynamics of Conservatism and Populism in the UK. Present and discuss the … Read more


Topic  POLITICAL POWER AND THE THREE DIMENSIONS OF POWER Instructions  Students will produce a 1,000-word essay which considers how a theory of power could be applied to the analysis of political outcomes in a variety of settings, as represented in one of three (non-scientific) excerpts: Fraser The Age of Acquiescence ; or (“Fraser.pdf”) Mayer, The … Read more