Social Work Skills

Topic  Social Work Skills Instructions  In 1½ -pages, please respond to the following questions/statements (you cannot use this outline as part of the page requirement- your response to the following prompts must be 1 ½ This semester we will be focusing on developing your identity as a professional social worker and the various skills you … Read more

Drug Addiction among African American Citizens

Topic  Drug Addiction among African American Citizens Instructions  Answer Preview  The information for Hart TED talk made me feel that there is need for change in the society in terms of the manner in which things are handle. For instance, rather than criminalizing drug laws, the government should first understand the underlying issues that the … Read more

Social Democracy and its Critics

Topic  Social Democracy and its Critics Instructions  Read: “pdf”: Miliband, Ralph and Liebman, Marcel, ‘Beyond Social Democracy’, in The Socialist Register, Vol 22, 1985/86: Social Democracy and After “docx”: Crosland, Anthony, The Future of Socialism, Jonathan Cape, 1956. Read ‘The Transfer of Economic Power’ From Part One: The Transformation of Capitalism Write 400 words on … Read more

How do we get out of this mess?

Topic  How do we get out of this mess? Instructions  Answer Preview The author of this piece starts by introducing the reader to different questions relating to politics that enables for one to understand and make sense of the rest of the article. In this case, the author uses a kind of framing narrative in … Read more

Parenting: Article review

Topic  Parenting: Article review Instructions  Answer Preview  It is correct that factors such as racial, class, occupation, gender social statuses either achieved or ascribed impact the way people judge parenting in the society. The rationale for this is that for a white parent to leave their child at home, it is not considered an offense … Read more

Social Workers Challenges and How to Address Them

Topic  Social Workers Challenges and How to Address Them Instructions  Write a discussion paper on Social Workers Challenges and How to Address Them Answer Preview  Another challenge facing social workers is the issue of racism and racist remarks. In the line of duty, Joan was dealing with a hostile Mr. Lee who liked to use … Read more

Family Structure and Functioning – Alexis Babb

Topic  Family Structure and Functioning – Alexis Babb Instructions  This second part of the Family Assessment Paper must include operationalized goals, SMART objectives, descriptions of both direct and indirect interventions, specific referrals to local resources, a timeline, measurement tools used to evaluate achievement of goals, and other relevant material. Summary of Family Structure and Functioning Overview/summary … Read more

Writing Learning Objectives Using Bloom’s Taxonomy

Topic  Writing Learning Objectives Using Bloom’s Taxonomy Instructions  Write a discussion paper on writing Learning Objectives Using Bloom’s Taxonomy Answer Preview  Learning objectives refers to the statements that define the anticipated goals of a curriculum, course, topic, sub-topic, an activity or a lesson to demonstrate skills or knowledge achieved by a student at the of … Read more

Social Workers as Superheroes

Topic  Social Workers as Superheroes Instructions  Write a discussion paper on Social Workers as Superheroes Answer Preview  In order to qualify as a mental health and psychiatric social worker, several skills are necessary. First, a person needs interpersonal skills, coupled with empathy, emotional intelligence, organization, and communication skills. Social workers qualify as superheroes because of … Read more


Topic  SHOULD GOVERNMENTS SUBSIDISE THE ARTS? Instructions  Should governments subsidize the arts? Explain your answer using relevant examples to illustrate your points. Your essay will demonstrate your ability to: Investigate the topic/question Source apposite material Undertake original research Construct a coherent argument. Answer Preview  Arts are essential contributors to the economy. The impact is quantifiable … Read more