Evaluation Study

Topic Evaluation study Instructions Discuss about community centers developed with the aim of enabling integration of people residing within the areas Answer preview A summative evaluation is conducted at the end of a program to show the impact that an intervention has had on participants. The outcome is then compared to a specific benchmark. In this … Read more

Measurement Tools for use in researching the topic Stress and Self-Esteem

Topic Measurement Tools for use in researching the topic Stress and Self-Esteem Instructions Describe what tools you would use to collect the data. Answer preview The researcher will utilize a tow measurement tools to collect data for the study. The first tool which will be utilized will be questionnaires. These will be issued to the … Read more

Self-Esteem and Stress

Topic Self-Esteem and Stress Instructions Discuss sampling methods. Answer preview Self-esteem among individuals has been established as an element which affect the behavior and experience of people, in the society. Many college students face various situation why cause them to experience stress and the study would be focusing on the experiences of stress and levels … Read more

The Concept of Construct Validity

Topic The Concept of Construct Validity Instructions In a two-page opinion paper, use information presented in the text and weekly resources to address the following statements regarding construct validity. Why is construct validity the most important thing a test can possess? Could a test be useful if it had reliability, and either content/ criterion validity, … Read more

WISC-V Interpretation

Topic WISC-V Interpretation Instructions Please write a 3-4 page paper that analyzes an instrument (e.g., WISC-V, WIAT-III, Rorschach, TAT) according to cultural and ethical considerations. In your paper, be sure to do the following: Content requirements: Define the construct the assessment measures. Describe the purposes for which the assessment can be used. Discuss the standardization process for … Read more

SAT Testing

Topic SAT Testing Instructions Consider an important life decision you have made on the basis of a test score that was intended to predict a future outcome (I.e. the SAT and what type of college student you would become, or a driver’s license exam and what type of future driver you would become). Using what … Read more

Clarifying and Formulating the Research Topic

Topic Clarifying and Formulating the Research Topic Instructions Discuss the relevance of clarifying and formulating a research topic. Answer preview The chapter develops into a more advanced stage of getting down to individual research components. First, it focuses on choosing a research topic which forms the basis for the whole research project. It can be … Read more

Body Image and Age Statistics

Topic Body Image and Age Statistics Instructions This study is concerned about how males think and feel about their bodies. Please answer each section as honestly as you can and remember there is no right or wrong answer so please do not spend too long pondering! Any information you give will remain strictly confidential and … Read more

Role and effect of Corporate Social Responsibility – A Case of Huawei

Topic Role and effect of Corporate Social Responsibility – A Case of Huawei Instructions Write the Methodology Requirements: 1. Propose to use QUANTITATIVE method, with QUESTIONNAIRES. 2. Propose very simple descriptive type analysis only. For example: a. Means/Modes/Medians b. Frequency charts c. Histograms d. Bar charts/pie charts/etc. Words: 1100 References: 8 references minimum (Harvard). Answer … Read more

Effects of chocolate milk consumption post exercise

Topic Effects of chocolate milk consumption post exercise Instructions Conduct a data analysis on The Effects of chocolate milk consumption post exercise on subsequent sprinting and jumping performance in male Gaelic football players aged 13-15. Answer preview Studies have extensively focused on nutrition to maintain proper hydration for normal mental and physiological functioning, especially during … Read more