Internet of Things

Topic Internet of Things Instructions Write a 12-page report in MLA format. Your paper should have the following structure: Title Abstract Introduction Previous work Your Research Conclusions Bibliography Answer preview The Internet of things (IoT) security is a section that mainly secures devices that are linked to the internet of things. IoT involves the increase … Read more

Project Organization Chart Template for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project

Topic Project Organization Chart Template for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project Instructions Some of the people working on the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project have questions about their roles and responsibilities in the upcoming testing portion of the project. Use the personnel and other information provided in the “Running Case” on pages 220, 265, & … Read more

Staffing Plan for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project

Topic Staffing Plan for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project Instructions Some of the people working on the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project have questions about their roles and responsibilities in the upcoming testing portion of the project. Use the personnel and other information provided in the “Running Case” on page 400 of the textbook to … Read more


Topic Global Communication Infrastructure Instructions Analyse the impact of privatisation of Inmarsat and Intelsat on the world’s developing countries and explain two (2) challenges faced by them due to changes in pricing coverage in the field of telecommunication access. Critically evaluate the importance of three (3) WTO agreements of 1997 on international communication and their … Read more

Quality Assurance Plan Template for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project

Topic Quality Assurance Plan Template for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project Instructions Answer preview Quality refers to exceeding the expectations of the consumer, met through deliverables. Project quality plan on the other hand refers to a set of planned activities at the start of a project that are aimed at assisting in attaining quality in … Read more

Wellness Intranet Project Pareto Chart

Topic Wellness Intranet Project Pareto Chart Instructions Answer preview Eight programs have been identified to be adopted in measuring the user interaction with intranet wellness website. The programs include walking, volleyball, weight reduction, stop smoking classes, soccer, table and softball. The number of times the users interact with these programs are counted and listed over … Read more

Technological Advancement

Topic Technological Advancement Instructions Write a current event paper. Use the article as a resource Answer preview Technological advancement is part of evidences showing how the countries that have paved way for inclusion and development for everyone have gained a lot in terms of economic development. Depicted by companies such as Tesla, a United … Read more

Statistical process control (Cellphone Manufacturing)

Topic Statistical process control (Cellphone Manufacturing) Instructions The purpose of this assignment is for students to learn how to apply Statistical Process Control Methods to a business process. Assignment Steps  Resources: Microsoft® Excel® and PowerPoint® Select a complex continuous process from your personal life or work. The process can be the same as in Week 1 assignment. Complete the following: … Read more


Topic Nanotechnology Instructions What is nanotechnology and how it going to change manufacturing? Answer preview Nanotechnology refers to a science involved in the manipulation of matter at an atomic, molecular or super molecular scale. This technology involves the manipulation of matter is dimensions that are less than 100 nanometer. The concept presents the ability to … Read more

Estimating Required Resources and Activity Duration

Topic Estimating Required Resources and Activity Duration Instructions Unit VI Assignment Use the Running Case on page 265 of the textbook to complete the following task for the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. Using the work breakdown structure (WBS) and Gantt chart you produced in Unit V, propose three to five additional activities that would … Read more