Gantt and Network Diagrams

Topic Gantt and Network Diagrams Instructions Unit VI Assignment Use the Running Case on page 265 of the textbook to complete the following task for the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. Using the work breakdown structure (WBS) and Gantt chart you produced in Unit V, propose three to five additional activities that would help a … Read more

A Critique of

Topic A Critique of Instructions After studying the information and interaction flow of a given e-Commerce website, write a critique on how well it adheres to the Social Computing models learned in the unit. Specifically ”Overall Interaction and Information Flow Model” and ”Human Need Fulfilling Model”. Write a 1000 word critique highlighting how the … Read more

Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project

Topic Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project (Work Breakdown Structure) Instructions Unit V Project 1 Developing a Project Scope Statement Using the Project Scope Statement template provided, use the Running Case on pages 220-221 of the textbook to complete the following task for the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. Use the attached Project 1 Template. Develop a … Read more

Web Development Best Practices

Topic Web Development Best Practices Instructions For this assignment, use the university’s Online Library to find an article on current trends in website development. Write an article critique that includes the following information: briefly introduce and summarize the article, identify the author’s main points, identify the author’s intended audience, identify specific issues addressed in the … Read more

Change Control, Online Courses and Website Maintenance

Topic Change Control, Online Courses and Website Maintenance Instructions Question 1) What do you think about the suggestions for change control discussed in the textbook? What are some suggestions for applying integrated change control on IT projects? Can you think of a way in which a project management software application like Microsoft Project or ProjectLibre … Read more

Small Room Painting

Topic Small Room Painting Instructions Using the work breakdown structure (WBS) and Gantt chart provided in Figures 3-3 and 3-4 on pages 107-108 of your textbook, manually create your own version of each (in Word, Excel, MS Visio, or other software) for the following project scenario. Scenario: Your goal is to paint a room in … Read more

Human Relations, Programming and Interpersonal Communication

Topic Human Relations, Programming and Interpersonal Communication Instructions Question 1) Complete the readings for this unit and then complete additional research on the McClelland theory of needs. Remember, McClelland believes that individuals are motivated by achievement, power, and affiliation, yet they tend to favor one over the others. After reviewing and researching the theory, discuss … Read more

Algorithm in Problem Solving

Topic Algorithm in Problem Solving Instructions This project provides you with an opportunity to apply those concepts by analyzing the problem, planning an algorithm, and performing a desk-check. Use the Unit II Template file (a Microsoft Word document) for this project and to complete the three-step process of analyzing the problem, planning the algorithm, and … Read more

Algorithm Keying

Topic Algorithm keying Instructions This project provides you with the opportunity to examine algorithms, identify the inaccuracies in the algorithms, and finally, to modify the algorithms with the correct details. Your next step will be to write an algorithm that includes the three control structures (sequence, selection, and repetition). First, explain the purpose of the … Read more

Algorithm Inputs and Outputs

Topic Algorithm Inputs and Outputs Instructions This project provides you with the opportunity to examine algorithms, identify the inaccuracies in the algorithms, and finally, to modify the algorithms with the correct details. Your next step will be to write an algorithm that includes the three control structures (sequence, selection, and repetition). First, explain the purpose … Read more