Wireless Area Networks

Topic Wireless Area Networks Instructions You have been tasked with expanding your company’s wireless network. Your IT manager asked you to create a presentation that explains wireless routers and their functions. She specifically said to focus on the 802.11g and 802.11n wireless network standards. Create a brief but informative PowerPoint presentation that includes comparisons of … Read more

Computer Networking

Topic Computer Networking Instructions Conduct a lab exercise on Computer Networking and write a 3-page essay. Question: Does the display contain the setting that were automatically assigned by DHCP server or the one you entered manually? Answer preview Metropolitan area network (MAN) is the network that connects computers in the geographic regions like a city … Read more

Reading and Writing

Topic Reading and Writing Instructions Answer preview Reading and writing practices in the current society have evolved over the past years. Many people consider writing as a dynamic multimodal process through which a broad scope of possibilities for new literacy, social, and pedagogical practices are provided. Such methods have made it possible for the students … Read more

Innovation Report for General Electric

Topic Innovation Report for General Electric Instructions Conduct an in-depth evaluation (using publicly available information) of the organization General Electric and prepare a 2500 word Innovation Report. Structure  Introduction The business case for innovation Provide justification for prioritizing innovation in the organization. Leadership challenges What are the main leadership challenges facing the organization? What can … Read more

Data Analytics

Topic Data Analytics Instructions In this assignment you need to describe about your dream jobs in the area of data analytics. Summarize the details skills/attributes that are required for the jobs. Based on this skill set, figure out where you stand now and what skills you would need to develop further in order to acquire … Read more

Parental Control for Internet and Cell Phones

Topic Parental Control for Internet and Cell Phones Instructions In a 2-page research paper, discuss the parental control for internet and cell phones. Answer preview Parents should show heightened levels of involvement and awareness when monitoring their children’s online activities. The importance of parental control when it comes to the usage of internet and cellphones … Read more

Integrating Glisser Technology into a Meeting

Topic Integrating Glisser Technology into a Meeting Instructions Find an example using the following websites and describe what and how can the technology be used to make meetings/events more efficient, meaningful, and memorable. http://www.bizbash.com/event-technology#.WBefnforLIV http://mashable.com/ http://corbinball.com/ Answer preview In today’s world, live streaming of events have become an everyday activity since the introduction of smart … Read more

Wild Wood Apartment

Topic Wild Wood Apartment Instructions Write a Management Report about Wild Wood Apartment. The report should be 3 pages long in APA format. Answer preview Issues with the current system Several issues emerge from the current system in use at wild wood apartments, which is manual: The apartment manager manually records the data, which is … Read more

Access permission (GRANT statement)

Topic Access permission (GRANT statement) Instructions Using the SQL for Dummies textbook in the Online Library, refer to Table 3-4 “Types of Protection” on page 74 to create three scenarios in which the use of protection operations are used to secure a database. Describe the scenario, select which protection operations users should use in the … Read more

Application Development(RAD)

Topic Application Development(RAD) Instructions Discuss the merits of Rapid Application Development. Answer preview Advantages of agile approach to application development include transparency. A standard agile contract openly defines resources types and resource dedication. The process also demands that functionalities with a higher business value are given the ultimate priority. Communication is an advantage in that … Read more