Social media influencers in the fashion industry – Cultural differences between Chinese and European marketing strategy

Topic Social media influencers in the fashion industry – Cultural differences between Chinese and European marketing strategy Instructions Write a proposal on Social media influencers in the fashion industry – Cultural differences between Chinese and European marketing strategy. Answer preview The modern marketing platform has been characterised by increased utilisation of digital forms of marketing. … Read more

Media Text Analysis of Internet Site

Topic Media Text Analysis of Internet Site- Instructions Write a Media Text Analysis of Internet Site- Answer preview Undoubtedly, the current media space has brought to the limelight issues that were least discussed previously. Internet sites have taken a leading role in exploring some of the controversial issues that face society (Fuchs 2011). … Read more

The Impact of #ChooseKindness Campaign

Topic The Impact of #ChooseKindness Campaign Instructions Choose a contemporary social media campaign or project that seems to you to be aiming to promote social change and/or social impact. The campaign or project needs to be active in 2018 and/or 2019. It does not need to be an Australian campaign, but it should be in … Read more

Science Fiction and Technology

Topic Science Fiction and Technology Instructions Discuss the relationship between Science Fiction and Technology. Answer preview According to Landon (2014), “Science fiction allows new views, measures, structures, plans, and it creates scopes in which the thought is analyzed, examined, and used.” In recommending different intentions and new methods, science fiction serves to create different kinds … Read more

The Growth of New Media has Transformed News’ Production and Consumption in China

Topic The Growth of New Media has Transformed News’ Production and Consumption in China Instructions The growth of new media has changed the way news is produced and consumed. Particularly mobile phones, the internet, and social networking media have increasingly become the default news channels for many urban Asians. Discuss the political and journalistic implications … Read more

Challenges in Instituting Best Practices in Queensland Health Digitizing of Public Hospitals

Topic Challenges in Instituting Best Practices in Queensland Health Digitizing of Public Hospitals Instructions Identify challenges in instituting best practices in project management in an organisation and recommend how these challenges can be overcome. Answer preview Specific lessons can be drawn from the Queensland Health Department of digitizing public hospitals that highlight the best practices … Read more

Big Data and Big Film- How Big Data is Shaping the Global Cinema Business

Topic Big Data and Big Film – How Big Data is Shaping the Global Cinema Business Instructions Submit a project proposal outlining your research question and approach, along with an annotated bibliography of 10 relevant sources. 1000 words Answer preview After globalization, the world became an almost single entity. Communication with people from all over … Read more

Is the screen always new?

Topic Is the screen always new? Instructions The way that people see films, television, and other screen-based content has changed dramatically over the last century. Yet sometimes, the ‘new’ is deeply informed by the history of the moving image, and is perhaps not quite as new as advocates would like you to believe. Is the … Read more

The Change and Influence of the Chinese Government’s Public Crisis Management Mode under the New Media Perspective

Topic The Change and Influence of the Chinese Government’s Public Crisis Management Mode under the New Media Perspective Instructions Write a thesis paper on The Change and Influence of the Chinese Government’s Public Crisis Management Mode under the New Media Perspective. Answer preview The traditional media channels such as the radio, newspapers, television sets and … Read more

Social Impact Projects

Topic Social Impact Projects Instructions Based on the review of scholary and grey literature, your task is to critically analyze four of the social impact projects facilitated by the use of media and communication technologies. You need to examine the following aspects of the considered projects: • What are the social needs of the projects? … Read more