Legal Structure in a Business (Licensing Software)

Topic Legal Structure in a business (Licensing Software) Instructions Read pages 331-332 and 339-344 of Legal Environment of Business. Consider the following as you read: Business formation should be considered with risk tolerance in mind. Read this chapter and consider when and which of the business forms are best for various start-ups. What are the risks of not … Read more

Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Topic Information Communication Technology (ICT) Instructions Write an interview summary (200 words). The chapter from Sonya Hamlin focuses on communications with three generations. To support your view of how generational issues do or do not affect e-Marketing, interview one person from each of the three generations mentioned in the chapter and write about it in … Read more

The Role of the Internet in E-marketing

Topic The role of the internet in E-marketing Instructions Reflect: This assignment is not a summary of the material that you have learned, but rather a journal of your thoughts as they relate to the material. Specify what you learned and how it relates to your personal and/or professional life. This may very well include changes that … Read more

Reaching Digital Public: The Filter Bubble

Topic Reaching Digital Public: The Filter Bubble Instructions Write a discussion essay, 1 page. “Filter Bubble” The prevalent discourse around new media suggests that they have had a positive effect on democracy in terms of providing a public space for political discourse. However, recent studies have shown that the growing trend to use the Internet to … Read more

Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Topic Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Instructions Write a 4-page essay in APA format. Critically analyze current European and United States industry standards or recommendations for any Information Technology (IT) area or subarea (e.g., intrusion detection, data recovery, data retention, intrusion prevention, network infrastructure, identity validation, project management, telecommunications, etc.).  Compare and contrast the standards or … Read more

Data Backup

Topic Data Backup Instructions Write a 4-page essay in APA format. Define, describe and identify the elements of (a) good Data Backup Planning, (b) good Disaster Recovery Planning, and (c) good Business Continuity Planning. Be sure to identify and describe any interdependencies in the planning. The paper must following the formatting guidelines in The Publication … Read more

Marks & Spencer Marketing and Business Strategy

Topic Marks & Spencer Marketing and Business Strategy Instructions Write an essay on Industry Analysis. The essay should be 4500 words long with 35 references. Use Harvard format. Task: Select ONE industry or public sector: automotive industry, fashion industry, media industry, oil & gas industry, healthcare industry, social welfare organisations and disaster relief.   Select … Read more

Heavenly Chocolates Website Transactions

Topic  Heavenly Chocolate Website Transactions Instructions  Submission instructions: 1. Maximum word length: 2000 words. 2. Submit a soft copy in Word format via Turnitin (with an assignment cover sheet). 3. Assignments submitted by other means (e.g. email) or forms (scanned copy, Excel document) will attract no marks. 4. Late Submission Penalty: As detailed in the … Read more

Project task: System Development(The Case of CSU’s Point of Sale)

Topic Project task: System Development(The Case of CSU’s Point of Sale) Instructions  At the end of this course, you will complete a final project that will assess your understanding and comprehension of systems development. The minimum writing requirement is five pages and may extend beyond the five pages due to the size of the drawings. … Read more

The Internet (Response to Claribel Beltrez)

Topic The Internet (Response to Claribel Beltrez) Instructions Write 50-75 words response to Claribel then pose a question at the end. Claribel’s post I agree that new media in many ways has become the new public space. People today interact with one another, at any time, in any location from around the world. The presidential … Read more