Causes and Ways to Solve Unfair Trade Practices in the Global Coffee Sector


Causes and Ways to Solve Unfair Trade Practices in the Global Coffee Sector


On the basis of the previous assignments – the Critical Reflection and the Research Proposal – and
further research, provide a coherently argued, solidly documented and clearly organized argument related
to the research material you have compiled. The research paper must be based on a detailed engagement with the non-academic sources (all 6) you have been provided with and a minimum of 5 substantial academic sources, two of which must be from the ‘Required Readings’ on the syllabus and three from outside sources. Make sure to read materials carefully and use concepts precisely. Do not forget to define, with references, the key terms in your paper (examples: globalization, space, place, relationality, core, periphery). The meaning of these terms can vary and influence how you approach the research topic.

Paper length: 5-6 pages (Approximately 1750-2100 words).

Answer preview

As free markets continued to rise, they resulted in a sharp rise of globalized capitalist industrialists whereby many capitalists started to work as middlemen. The move was meant to make trade easy particularly from the producers to the consumers; however, it has negatively affected the proceeds that farmers get from what they input in producing their products (Barrientos et al. 2013). Coffee stands as a perfect example of an agricultural that has been trapped and exploited by the rising wave of intermediaries leading to unfair trade practices. Farmers have significantly felt the impacts; for example, farmers only earn 1/10th of what consumers pay for the coffee.

Word count: 2177