Challenges faced by Management Teams of CSG firms


Challenges faced by Management Teams of CSG firms


The purpose of the presentation is to identify management elements of the case and discuss these using management models, concepts and frameworks studied in the course.
When presenting you will demonstrate your understandings about management, apply theoretical concepts and ideas to your allocated Case Study and adopt innovative ways to make the identified issues clear and interesting.
In making your YouTube presentation you will also demonstrate engagement in critical thinking and problem solving strategies to address the issues.

In creating the YouTube presentation use the following structure to present the case study:

–Background to the Case
– Management concepts, Issues and Problems identified in the case
– Key management concepts, Issues and any problems presenting
– Relevant management theories and concepts reflected or of use to assist the case
– For any problems identified, Problem-Solving Objectives
– Timed Action Plan to address identified problems (if any) OR indicate future directions

Answer preview

This report aims at presenting the challenges faced by management teams of CSG firms due to detrimental environmental, cultural and social effects. As reflected in the case, coal seam gas (CSG) mining in Australia is a growing non-renewable energy industry that affects water and air quality, society health, landscape as well as traditional sanctified sites. Therefore, business management in coal seam gas has become progressively challenging as a result of values dispute between administration policy, business results and society ethics (Comino et al, 2014). By applying stakeholder theory, management teams in coal seam gas must look the societies surrounding coal seam gas sites as positive stakeholders other than business annoyances.

Word count: 417