Challenges of policing in the 21st century


Challenges of policing in the 21st century


  1. Describe the everyday actions of the police.
  2. Identify the ways police can abuse their power and the challenges of controlling this abuse.
  3. List the methods that can be used to make police more accountable to citizens.
  4. Describe the delivery of police services.
  5. Name patrol strategies that departments employ.
  6. Explain the importance of connections between the police and the community.
  7. Identify issues and problems that emerge from law enforcement agencies’ increased attention to homeland security.
  8. Describe the policing and related activities are undertaken by private sector security management.

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This chapter provides insight into the challenges of policing in the 21st century. However, the chapter begins by providing extensive information on the everyday actions of police, where some of them include encounters between police and citizen, police discretion, which is very imperative due to the nature of the crime, the affiliation between the alleged criminal and victim, departmental policy, race, age class, and gender. Moreover, police also deal with domestic violence, which is something that today does not require a warrant if an individual is suspected of domestic violence.

Word Count: 300