Challenging Sex and Gender through Media Text


Challenging Sex and Gender through Media Text


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In the text, Leguizamon and Griggs aimed at demonstrating how the number of teenagers rejecting the idea of being either a boy or a girl is increasing in United States (U.S.). A driven idea was that the level of teenagers’ awareness and their nonconformity with gender definition traditions is higher than the American society seemed to think. In proving such reality, Leguizamon and Griggs used two studies to show the difference between the perception of American public and the actual state of teenagers who are already adopting this status. A study in University of California showed the public considered only 0.7% as teens in gender-nonconformity perspective in 2017 in contrary to the current study in University of Minnesota where 3% of teens claimed to be within this non-traditional gender status in 2018. Moreover, explaining the findings from the recent study, Leguizamon and Griggs argues that the health status between gender-nonconforming and cisgender teens as varying.

Word Count: 1200