Change Control, Online Courses and Website Maintenance


Change Control, Online Courses and Website Maintenance


Question 1)

What do you think about the suggestions for change control discussed in the textbook? What are some suggestions for applying integrated change control on IT projects? Can you think of a way in which a project management software application like Microsoft Project or ProjectLibre can be used with change control?

Question 2)

Evaluate one the following websites for correctly applied image and typographic principles:

Gulliford County Veterans Memorial. (n.d.) Photo panels. Retrieved from

iNTERFACEWARE. (n.d.). iNTERFACEWARE help center. Retrieved from

KERA. (2006). Manifest Destiny overview. Retrieved from

Lytle, R. (2013). 5 tips to succeed in an online course. Retrieved from

Evaluate the website to see how the application of image and typographic principles affects visual identity and then address the following issues:

  • Describe the website you chose and then identify the basic image and typographic principles applied to the website.
  • Discuss the potential effect of the images and typography on first-time visitors.

Question 3)

The scope of an IT project identifies the requirements of what needs to be accomplished during the life of a project and the resources necessary to accomplish those goals. As a project manager, understanding the scope of a project is essential in estimating how long a project will take and how much it will cost. Should changes to a project be totally avoided after a project starts, or are there situations when changes are necessary? What impact do you think changing a project might have if done so in the middle of a project? Discuss examples of the impact of changing a project scope in the middle of a project.

Question 4)

Discuss the importance of regular monitoring and maintenance of a website. Within your discussion board posting, please discuss the following items:

  • What should be checked on a regular basis; and
  • Identify at least one frustration from a personal experience you have had when visiting a website that was not working properly, and address at least one maintenance task you feel could be used to help fix that issue.

Answer preview

The suggestions for change control as discussed in the course implied that is always necessary to undertake changes. However, these suggestions shows that it is important to take into account the underlying impact of changes in terms of quality, cost, resources, scope, and risk and client satisfaction.

Some of the suggestion for applying integrated change control in IT includes evaluating the pending change in terms of the benefits and risks, ensuring that the changes align to the project objectives, seeking new perspectives as provided by opinions of experts, selecting a team that would compare alternatives for change; the team could collect more information that would help in decision making.

Word count: 866