Charles Perkins- The 1965 Freedom Rides in Australia


Charles Perkins and The 1965 Freedom Rides in Australia


Using APA format, analyze the text on Charles Perkins and The 1965 Freedom Rides in Australia.

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Before the Freedom Rights Movement of 1965, Aborigines and Torres Strait Island citizens were third class citizens in their own land. The Australian government had actually ratified laws which called for the removal of Aboriginal children from the care of their parents. In addition, the Australian government also authorized the forcible removal of Aborigines from their own lands, so that White emigrants could take them over. Aborigines were excluded from clubs, cinemas, swimming pools, and cafes. The owners of shops would often refuse to service Aborigines when they went to purchase basic products (Chersterman & Galligan, 1997). As was the case with African Americans in the United States, Aborigines were subjected to segregation when they attended bars and schools in Australia (Chersterman & Galligan, 1997).

Word count: 2483