Cheating In Sports- An ethical issue plaguing the institution


Cheating In Sports- An ethical issue plaguing the institution


Write an essay paper explaining more about Cheating in Sports as an ethical issue that has been a challenge for the institution.

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Ethics is considered a branch of the philosophy since it is concerned with what is right or wrong morally. However, the main challenge lies in determining the standard by which to differentiate the right and wrong. Sport ethics is concerned with that which is the right thing to do in sports where one aspect is to address how the team and the individual conduct themselves when competing or preparing to compete in the sporting events. It is therefore a manger concern to compete hard, yet to do so in the right way. It is easy to believe that it is of use to cut corners ethically so as to be able to succeed I the world of sports. However, everyone connected with the sports should realize that this reflects just a short term of the success which can hardly be acknowledged and also ignores the potential of a long term achievement in the same field. The unethical conducts and the viewpoints should subsequently be replaced by the absolute realization that sound and ethical principles are good for sports and also for the participation by the individuals in sports.

Word Count: 1000