Children’s Deaths Due to Pollution


Children’s Deaths Due to Pollution


Find and include a minimum of one current event clipped from the popular media (newspapers, magazines, etc.) for each of the discussion topics listed on the syllabus. Popular media does not include scientific journals and periodicals. Write a  two page paper about the significance of the event and its relationship to the discussion topic.

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Environmental pollution can be best described as dirtying the environment by introducing harmful materials to the surroundings. Pollution can be both air pollution, light pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. Contamination from harmful substances have been established as a major factor in children deaths considering the fact that pollution causes more than quarter of children’s death who are under 5 years (WHO, 2017). Therefore, this paper is aimed at expanding the causes of pollution, finding reasons for existence of pollution and finding solutions to the pollution crisis to reduce children deaths hence increasing population.

Word count: 706