Clean Air and Clean Water Acts


Clean Air and Clean Water Acts


For a 200-word post,

Read pages 517-526 of Legal Environment of Business.

Consider the following as you read:

  • The Clean Air and Clean Water Acts assist with ensuring minimum standards must be met by businesses to operate. Given the global warming potential, consider if we need more regulations to ensure a safe environment, or, do we have too much intervention already?

Answer preview

The 1972 amendments in the Clean Water Act introduced the fundamental structure for controlling pollutant discharges in the United States waters. In addition to this, amendments gave EPA the permission to implement pollution regulation programs like setting waste water for industry. On the other hand, the Clean Air Act is one of the detailed federal legislations that control air emissions from mobile and stationary sources. It is clear that this legislation permits EPA to introduce National Ambient Air Quality Standards in order to guard public welfare and public health and to control emissions of harmful air pollutants. I think that more regulations are needed to protect consumers because businesses are greatly contributing to environment pollution.

Word count: 216